Tourism Committee, Wisconsin State Assembly

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The Tourism Committee is a standing committee of the Wisconsin State Assembly. It was titled the Tourism, Recreation and State Properties Committee prior to the 2013 legislative session.

Per the Assembly Rules, Wisconsin State Assembly committees are assigned by the Speaker of the Assembly as early as possible at the start of each odd-year legislative session. Unless specified by a rule, the Speaker sets the total number of members on each committee and the allocation of the number between majority and minority party members. The Speaker appoints majority party committee members with the first-named member serving as the committee's chair. The Speaker also appoints minority party committee members from a list of members compiled by the Minority Leader.[1] The first-nominated minority member of each standing committee serves as the ranking member unless the Speaker and Minority leader agree that he or she serves as the vice chair.[2]

Apart from committees upon which he or she serves as a regular member, the Speaker is recognized as a nonvoting member on all standing committees but does not count towards quorum requirements. A quorum is defined as at least fifty percent of the committee members.[2]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Assembly Rules


Joan Ballweg (R) left this committee on January 04, 2021.

Staush Gruszynski (D) left this committee on January 04, 2021.

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Tourism Members, 2017
Democratic members (5)Republican members (10)
Jill BillingsTravis Tranel, Chair
Tod OhnstadRob Swearingen, Vice chair
Cory MasonAdam Jarchow
Dave ConsidineJoan Ballweg
Don VruwinkGary Tauchen
Rob Summerfield
Joel Kitchens
Kathy Bernier
Jeffrey Mursau
Shannon Zimmerman

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Tourism Members, 2015
Democratic members (5)Republican members (10)
Jill BillingsTravis Tranel, Chair
Cory MasonAdam Jarchow, Vice-Chair
Steve DoyleJeffrey Mursau
Beth MeyersJoel Kleefisch
Tod OhnstadGary Tauchen
Mark Born
Alvin Ott
Rob Swearingen
Joan Ballweg
Joel Kitchens


Tourism Members, 2013
Democratic members (6)Republican members (9)
Jill BillingsDean Kaufert, Chair
Brett HulseyGarey Bies, Vice chair
Steve DoyleMary Czaja
Gary HeblJoel Kleefisch
Tod OhnstadMike Endsley
Dianne HesselbeinMark Born
Alvin Ott
Rob Swearingen
Joan Ballweg


Tourism Members, 2011
Democratic members (5)Republican members (7)
Fred ClarkDean Kaufert, Chair
Cory MasonAmy Loudenbeck, Vice chair
Leon YoungGarey Bies
Josh ZepnickTom Tiffany
John SteinbrinkJohn Klenke
Dan Meyer
Kathy Bernier


Tourism Members, 2009
Democratic members (5)Republican members (5)
Terry Van Akkeren, ChairGarey Bies
Fred Clark, Vice chairJohn Townsend
Ann HraychuckDean Kaufert
Steve HilgenbergMary Williams
Marlin SchneiderKarl Van Roy

External links


  1. The Speaker may appoint any member of the minority party as a committee chair regardless of whether the Minority Leader nominated him or her.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wisconsin State Legislature, "Assembly Rules," accessed Feb. 21, 2021


Minority Leader:Greta Neubauer


Republican Party (54)

Democratic Party (45)

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Madison (capital)

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