Tulsa Public Schools, Oklahoma

Public Comments at School Board Meetings

Citizens are encouraged to attend meetings of the Board of Education and are allowed to address the Board and to comment as allowed under this policy.

Public comment is allowed only at a regular meeting or at a special meeting declared to be a public hearing for that purpose. Public comment at regular meetings is allowed for two purposes—to respond to an item on the action agenda or to provide comments regarding topics not on the current agenda (“Citizen Comment”). Speakers’ comments should be shorter than three minutes, but in no event shall a speaker have more than five minutes when providing comment. If an individual is providing comment on an action item and as a Citizen Comment, the time will be counted separately.

The board welcomes input from all members of the community and will have translation services available at the board meeting for the purpose of receiving public comment, as needed. If the person providing public comment uses translation services to communicate with the board, up to five additional minutes will be provided to the speaker to ensure the use of translation services does not impair the speaker’s ability to provide their comments. Time will be counted separately if the person is providing both agenda-related comments and Citizen’s Comments.

The Board President may interrupt and terminate any presentation not deemed to be in accordance with the guidelines set out by this policy, for example if the person providing comments uses profanity or other abusive language against board members, or if the speaker attempts to present comments regarding an issue in a pending lawsuit. The relevant guidelines are described below and outlined on the paper and electronic forms the public completes when signing up to speak. The Board President may also, after a warning, preclude an individual speaker from addressing the Board at that meeting and/or at the next regular meeting of the Board of Education for violation of the guidelines set out by this policy.

Public Comment Guidelines

School board policies, state law, and federal law establish separate and distinct procedures and forums for the resolution of employee grievances, employee complaints, employee suspensions and terminations, complaints against individual employees, pupil suspensions and appeals, political campaigns, and litigation.

To avoid circumvention of these separate proceedings and to assure fairness to all parties concerned, no person will be allowed to speak regarding the following:

  • An issue in a pending lawsuit, complaint, or investigation filed with an outside agency, wherein the District, employee(s) or the Board is a party;
  • A pending grievance;
  • A pending employee complaint filed with the District or an outside agency;
  • A complaint against individual employee(s);
  • An employee disciplinary action including suspension or termination;
  • A pending pupil disciplinary action including suspension or appeal that may reach the Board.

The individual dignity of Board members, District employees, students, and members of the public must be respected by all speakers. Board members, employees, students, or members of the public will not be subjected to verbal abuse.

Comments Concerning Items on the Action Agenda

All public comment regarding matters on the action agenda shall be received together as a separate item on the agenda prior to the consideration of the action agenda. Requests to comment must be made by submitting a completed form for that purpose. Paper forms are available from the Board Clerk before the beginning of each meeting and will be accepted up to 6:25 pm on the day of the meeting. Electronic forms will be available online and shall be submitted after the relevant agenda has posted and no later than noon on the day of the meeting. Each individual requesting to speak must personally complete the form listing their name and contact information and verify they have read the instructions regarding comments. The individual will also indicate on the form if they are speaking on their own behalf or on behalf of a group and whether or not they support or oppose the item (as applicable). Speakers are encouraged to provide the Board with a written outline of their comments to be made available to them before or at the meeting.

The total time limit will apply to each speaker regardless of the number of agenda items to which they wish to speak

The Board and staff will not dialogue with speakers. When determined to be appropriate by the Superintendent, staff will strive to provide answers or resolve any issues/concerns in a timely manner.

“Citizen’s Comments”—Comments Concerning Items Not on an Agenda

The agenda for the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board will include an item designated “Citizens’ Comments.” This portion of the agenda will be reserved for comments concerning issues not otherwise appearing on an agenda to provide citizens an opportunity to address the Board of Education, and it is not intended to provide a forum for commercial, political, personal or similar topics.

An individual wishing to comment during this portion of a meeting must personally sign and submit a completed request form with all supporting documents to the Clerk of the Board seven calendar days before the meeting at which the individual wishes to speak. The forms are available online or from the Clerk of the Board of Education. Each individual requesting to speak must complete the form and verify they have read instructions.

Generic topics will not be accepted. The topic listed on the request form must be brief but specific enough to satisfy posting requirements under state law. The topic should be worded so an ordinary individual would understand what the topic is about. The topic language submitted by the citizen will be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the attorney for the School District. Individuals will also indicate on the form if they are speaking on their own behalf or on behalf of a group. Speakers will be notified regarding approval or disapproval of their request. The Superintendent or designee will address speakers' specific issues or concerns within 60 days.

The total time limit of Citizens’ Comments will apply to each speaker during a meeting regardless of the number of topics on which the individual requests to speak. Speakers are welcomed and encouraged to provide the Board with a written outline of their comments to be made available to them before or at the meeting. [7]