Tyler Kline recall, Robbinsdale, Minnesota (2022)

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Tyler Kline recall

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Tyler Kline
Recall status
Signature requirement
654 signatures
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2022
Recalls in Minnesota
Minnesota recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

An effort in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, to recall Ward 1 City Councilman Tyler Kline ended after Kline resigned on May 27, 2022.[1][2][3]

Recall supporters

Organizers initiated the recall campaign after Kline was arrested and charged with drunk driving and fleeing police on January 24, 2022. Kline pleaded not guilty to the charges.[2][3]

Former mayor Regan Murphy called on Kline to resign, saying, "The person who was charged with a DWI and felony is not who Robbinsdale elected."[2]

Recall opponents

Explaining why he decided not to resign from the city council at first, Kline said, "I clearly made a pretty horrible choice and I'm full of regret. I put plenty of people in danger by my actions on that night. ... I'm only a month into my sobriety, but ... I feel good about my record when it comes to my votes."[3]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Minnesota

Organizers needed to collect 654 signatures within a 30-day period.[2] Kline resigned after organizers submitted 730 signed petitions on May 20, meeting the threshold to force a special recall election to be scheduled.[1]

See also

External links


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