United States Senate Committee on Appropriations

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The United States Senate Committee on Appropriations is a standing committee of the U.S. Senate. The committee was created on March 6, 1867.[1]


118th Congress

The committee chairman in the 118th Congress was Patty Murray (D).

117th Congress

The committee chairman in the 117th Congress was Patrick Leahy (D).

116th Congress

The committee chairman in the 116th Congress was Richard Shelby (R).

115th Congress

The committee chairman in the 115th Congress was Thad Cochran (R).

114th Congress

The committee chairman in the 114th Congress was Thad Cochran (R).

113th Congress

The committee chairwoman in the 113th Congress was Barbara A. Mikulski (D).[2]

112th Congress

The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Daniel K. Inouye (D).


Dianne Feinstein (D) left this committee on September 29, 2023. [Source]

Lamar Alexander (R) left this committee in 2020.

Tom Udall (D) left this committee in 2020.

Lamar Alexander (R) left this committee in 2018.

Tom Udall (D) left this committee in 2018.

Tom Udall (D) left this committee in 2016.

Lamar Alexander (R) left this committee in 2016.

Tom Udall (D) left this committee in 2014.

Lamar Alexander (R) left this committee in 2014.

Lamar Alexander (R) left this committee in 2012.


Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Agriculture)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (6)Republican members (7)
Jeff Merkley Ranking MemberJohn Hoeven Chairman
Dianne Feinstein Thad Cochran
Jon Tester Mitch McConnell
Tom Udall Susan Collins
Patrick Leahy Roy Blunt
Tammy Baldwin Jerry Moran
Marco Rubio

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Commerce)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (8)Republican members (9)
Jeanne Shaheen Ranking MemberRichard Shelby Chairman
Patrick Leahy Lamar Alexander
Dianne Feinstein Lisa Murkowski
Jack Reed Susan Collins
Chris Coons Lindsey Graham
Brian Schatz John Boozman
Joe Manchin Shelley Moore Capito
Chris Van Hollen James Lankford
John Neely Kennedy


To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Defense Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (9)Republican members (10)
Richard Durbin Vice ChairmanThad Cochran Chairman
Patrick Leahy Mitch McConnell
Dianne Feinstein Richard Shelby
Patty Murray Lamar Alexander
Jack Reed Susan Collins
Jon Tester Lisa Murkowski
Tom Udall Lindsey Graham
Brian Schatz Roy Blunt
Tammy Baldwin Steve Daines
Jerry Moran

Energy and Water Development

(commonly known as Energy)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (8)Republican members (9)
Dianne Feinstein Ranking MemberLamar Alexander Chairman
Patty Murray Thad Cochran
Jon Tester Mitch McConnell
Richard Durbin Richard Shelby
Tom Udall Susan Collins
Jeanne Shaheen Lisa Murkowski
Jeff Merkley Lindsey Graham
Chris Coons John Hoeven
John Neely Kennedy

Financial Services and General Government

(commonly known as Financial Services)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (4)Republican members (5)
Chris Coons Ranking MemberShelley Moore Capito Chairwoman
Richard Durbin Jerry Moran
Joe Manchin John Boozman
Chris Van Hollen James Lankford
Steve Daines

Homeland Security

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Homeland Security Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (6)Republican members (7)
Jon Tester Ranking MemberJohn Boozman Chairman
Jeanne Shaheen Thad Cochran
Patrick Leahy Richard Shelby
Patty Murray Lisa Murkowski
Tammy Baldwin John Hoeven
Joe Manchin James Lankford
John Neely Kennedy

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Interior)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (7)Republican members (8)
Tom Udall Ranking MemberLisa Murkowski Chairwoman
Dianne Feinstein Thad Cochran
Patrick Leahy Lamar Alexander
Jack Reed Roy Blunt
Jon Tester John Hoeven
Jeff Merkley Mitch McConnell
Chris Van Hollen Steve Daines
Shelley Moore Capito

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Labor)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (9)Republican members (10)
Patty Murray Ranking MemberRoy Blunt Chairman
Richard Durbin Thad Cochran
Jack Reed Richard Shelby
Jeanne Shaheen Lamar Alexander
Jeff Merkley Lindsey Graham
Brian Schatz Jerry Moran
Tammy Baldwin Shelley Moore Capito
Chris Murphy James Lankford
Joe Manchin John Neely Kennedy
Marco Rubio

Legislative Branch

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (3)Republican members (3)
Chris Murphy Ranking MemberJames Lankford Chairman
Joe Manchin John Neely Kennedy
Chris Van Hollen Marco Rubio

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Military Construction)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (7)Republican members (8)
Brian Schatz Ranking MemberJerry Moran Chairman
Jon Tester Mitch McConnell
Patty Murray Lisa Murkowski
Jack Reed John Hoeven
Tom Udall Susan Collins
Tammy Baldwin John Boozman
Chris Murphy Shelley Moore Capito
Marco Rubio

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

(commonly known as State Department)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (7)Republican members (8)
Patrick Leahy Ranking MemberLindsey Graham Chairman
Richard Durbin Mitch McConnell
Jeanne Shaheen Roy Blunt
Chris Coons John Boozman
Jeff Merkley Jerry Moran
Chris Murphy James Lankford
Chris Van Hollen Steve Daines
Marco Rubio

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

(commonly known as Transportation)

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (8)Republican members (9)
Jack Reed Ranking MemberSusan Collins Chairman
Patty Murray Richard Shelby
Richard Durbin Lamar Alexander
Dianne Feinstein Roy Blunt
Chris Coons John Boozman
Brian Schatz Shelley Moore Capito
Chris Murphy Steve Daines
Joe Manchin Lindsey Graham
John Hoeven


According to the official Senate website, the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committee includes the following:

The Senate Appropriations Committee is the largest committee in the U.S. Senate, consisting of 30 members in the 117th Congress. Its role is defined by the U.S. Constitution, which requires "appropriations made by law" prior to the expenditure of any money from the Federal treasury.

The Committee, chaired by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), writes the legislation that allocates federal funds to the numerous government agencies, departments, and organizations on an annual basis.

Twelve subcommittees are tasked with drafting legislation to allocate funds to government agencies within their jurisdictions. These subcommittees are responsible for reviewing the President's budget request, hearing testimony from government officials and other witnesses, and drafting the spending plans for the coming fiscal year. Their work is passed on to the full Senate Appropriations Committee, which may review and modify the bills and approve them for consideration by the full Senate.

The Committee is also responsible for supplemental spending bills, which are sometimes needed in the middle of a fiscal year to compensate for emergency expenses.[3][4]


Committee on Appropriations
Room S 128, The Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-7363

See also

External links


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