United States congressional delegations from Colorado

From Ballotpedia


Flag of Colorado

Census Topic Value
Population 5,773,714

50.3% Male

49.7% Female


70.7% White

4.1% Black

3.5% Asian

1.3% Native American

0.2% Pacific Islander

Ethnicity 21.9% Hispanic or Latino origin
Median household income $92,470
High school graduation rate 92.8%
College graduation rate 44.7%
Upcoming elections

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 census and 2023 ACS data. Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

This page displays the current and historical members of U.S. Congress from Colorado.

Here is the current partisan breakdown of the congressional members from Colorado.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from Colorado
Party U.S. Senate U.S. House Total
Democratic 2 4 6
Republican 0 4 4
Independent 0 0 0
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 8 10

Current members

U.S. Senate

See also: Classes of United States Senators

The current members of the U.S. Senate from Colorado are:

U.S. House

The current members of the U.S. House from Colorado are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. House Colorado District 1 Diana DeGette Democratic January 3, 1997 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 2 Joe Neguse Democratic January 3, 2019 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 3 Jeff Hurd Republican January 3, 2025 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 4 Lauren Boebert Republican January 3, 2025 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 5 Jeff Crank Republican January 3, 2025 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 6 Jason Crow Democratic January 3, 2019 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 7 Brittany Pettersen Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2027
U.S. House Colorado District 8 Gabe Evans Republican January 3, 2025 January 3, 2027

Historical members

U.S. Senate

Historical Representation to the U.S. Senate by Party from Colorado
Party Total
     Democratic 18
     Republican 21
Class 2 Senators from Colorado
Senator Years Served Party
Henry M. Teller 1876-1882 Republican
George M. Chilcott 1882-1883 Republican
Horace A. W. Tabor 1883-1883 Republican
Thomas M. Bowen 1883-1889 Republican
Edward O. Wolcott 1889-1901 Republican
Thomas M. Patterson 1901-1907 Democratic
Simon Guggenheim 1907-1913 Republican
John F. Shafroth 1913-1919 Democratic
Lawrence C. Phipps 1919-1931 Republican
Edward P. Costigan 1931-1937 Democratic
Edwin C. Johnson 1937-1955 Democratic
Gordon L. Allott 1955-1973 Republican
Floyd K. Haskell 1973-1979 Democratic
William L. Armstrong 1979-1991 Republican
Hank Brown 1991-1997 Republican
Wayne Allard 1997-2009 Republican
Mark Udall 2009-2015 Democratic
Cory Gardner 2015-2021 Republican
John Hickenlooper 2021 - Present Democratic
Class 3 Senators from Colorado
Senator Years Served Party
Jerome B. Chaffee 1876-1879 Republican
Nathaniel P. Hill 1879-1885 Republican
Henry M. Teller 1885-1909 Democratic
Charles J. Hughes, Jr. 1909-1911 Democratic
Charles S. Thomas 1913-1921 Democratic
Samuel D. Nicholson 1921-1923 Republican
Alva B. Adams 1923-1924 Democratic
Rice W. Means 1924-1927 Republican
Charles W. Waterman 1927-1932 Republican
Walter Walker 1932-1932 Democratic
Karl C. Schuyler 1932-1933 Republican
Alva B. Adams 1933-1941 Democratic
Eugene D. Millikin 1941-1957 Republican
John A. Carroll 1957-1963 Democratic
Peter H. Dominick 1963-1975 Republican
Gary W. Hart 1975-1987 Democratic
Timothy E. Wirth 1987-1993 Democratic
Ben Nighthorse Campbell 1993-2005 Republican
Ken Salazar 2005-2009 Democratic
Michael Bennet 2009-Present Democratic

U.S. House


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 2000s from Colorado
Party Total
     Democratic 8
     Republican 12
Total Representatives 20
Representatives to the U.S. House from Colorado
Representative Years Served Party
Robert Louis "Bob" Beauprez 2003–2007 Republican
Marilyn Neoma Shuler Musgrave 2003–2009 Republican
John Tony Salazar 2005–2011 Democratic
Elizabeth Helen "Betsy" Markey 2009–2011 Democratic
Ed Perlmutter 2007–2023 Democratic
Doug Lamborn 2007–2025 Republican
Mike Coffman 2009–2019 Republican
Jared Polis 2009–2019 Democratic
Cory Gardner 2011–2015 Republican
Scott Tipton 2011–2021 Republican
Ken Buck 2015-2024 Republican
Joe Neguse 2019-present Democratic
Jason Crow 2019-present Democratic
Lauren Boebert 2021-present Republican
Brittany Pettersen 2023–present Democratic
Yadira Caraveo 2023–2025 Democratic
Greg Lopez 2024–2025 Republican
Jeff Hurd 2025–present Republican
Gabe Evans 2025–present Republican
Jeff Crank 2025–present Republican


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1900s from Colorado
Party Total
     Democratic 25
     Republican 27
Total Representatives 52
Representatives to the U.S. House from Colorado
Representative Years Served Party
Franklin Eli Brooks 1903–1907 Republican
Herschel Millard Hogg 1903–1907 Republican
Robert William Bonynge 1904–1909 Republican
George Washington Cook 1907–1909 Republican
Warren Armstrong Haggott 1907–1909 Republican
John Andrew Martin 1909-1913 and 1933-1939 Democratic
Edward Thomas Taylor 1909-1941 Democratic
Atterson Walden Rucker 1909–1913 Democratic
George John Kindel 1913–1915 Democratic
Harry Hunter Seldomridge 1913–1915 Democratic
Edward Keating 1913–1919 Democratic
Benjamin Clark Hilliard 1915–1919 Democratic
Charles Bateman Timberlake 1915–1933 Republican
William Newell Vaile 1919–1927 Republican
Guy Urban Hardy 1919–1933 Republican
Sebasian Harrison White 1927–1929 Democratic
William Robb Eaton 1929–1933 Republican
Fred Nelson Cummings 1933–1941 Democratic
Lawrence Lewis 1933–1943 Democratic
William Evans Burney 1940–1941 Democratic
John Edgar Chenoweth 1941-1949 and 1951-1965 Republican
Robert Fay Rockwell 1941–1949 Republican
William Silas Hill 1941–1959 Republican
Dean Milton Gillespie 1944–1947 Republican
John Albert Carroll 1947–1951 Democratic
John Henry Marsalis 1949–1951 Democratic
Wayne Norviel Aspinall 1949–1973 Democratic
Byron Giles Rogers 1951–1971 Democratic
Byron Lindberg Johnson 1959–1961 Democratic
Peter Hoyt "Pete" Dominick 1961–1963 Republican
Donald Glenn "Don" Brotzman 1963-1965 and 1967-1975 Republican
Roy Harrison McVicker 1965–1967 Democratic
Frank Edward Evans 1965–1979 Democratic
James Douglas "Mike" McKevitt 1971–1973 Republican
William Lester "Bill" Armstrong 1973–1979 Republican
James Paul Johnson 1973–1981 Republican
Patricia Nell Scott "Pat" Schroeder 1973–1997 Democratic
Timothy Endicott "Tim" Wirth 1975–1987 Democratic
Raymond Peter Kogovsek 1979–1985 Democratic
Kenneth Bentley Kramer 1979–1987 Republican
George Hanks "Hank" Brown 1981–1991 Republican
Daniel Schaefer 1983–1999 Republican
Michael Lathrop "Mike" Strang 1985–1987 Republican
Ben Nighthorse Campbell 1987–1993 Democratic
David Evans Skaggs 1987–1999 Democratic
Joel M. Hefley 1987–2007 Republican
Alan Wayne Allard 1991–1997 Republican
Scott McInnis 1993–2005 Republican
Robert W. "Bob" Schaffer 1997–2003 Republican
Diana DeGette 1997–present Democratic
Thomas Gerard "Tom" Tancredo 1999–2009 Republican
Mark Emery Udall 1999–2009 Democratic


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1800s from Colorado
Party Total
     Democratic 1
     Republican 4
     Populist 2
Total Representatives 7
Representatives to the U.S. House from Colorado
Representative Years Served Party
Thomas MacDonald Patterson 1877-1879 Democratic
James Burns Belford 1876-1877 and 1879-1885 Republican
George Gifford Symes 1885–1889 Republican
Hosea Townsend 1889–1893 Republican
Lafayette "Lafe" Pence 1893–1895 Populist
John Calhoun Bell 1893–1903 Populist
John Franklin Shafroth 1895-1904 Republican

District map




Democratic Party (6)

Republican Party (4)

Flag of Colorado

v  e

State of Colorado
Denver (capital)

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