Mi laburo fue solo una ilusión, by Pablo Traine + The Barock Plastiks
Este álbum está integrado por versiones en castellano de canciones de Gruff Rhys, trovador máximo de nuestro siglo. Hay canciones de cada uno de sus sus álbumes solistas hasta la fecha, excluyendo soundtracks y colaboraciones.
Pese a que han sido tomadas algunas licencias métricas y poéticas para adaptarse a diferencias lingüísticas o culturales, la traducción pretende ser fiel a las letras originales.
This album is made of songs by Gruff Rhys' adapted to (argentinian) spanish. There are songs from every one of his solo records, excluding soundtracks and collaborations. The original names of the songs are: Shark ridden waters, Liberty (is where we'll be), Pang!, Pwdin wy 1, Bad friend, Con cariño, The last conquistador, Negative vibes, Loan your loneliness, Selfies in the sunset, Ni yw y byd.
The translation is intended to be faithful to the original lyrics. Nevertheless, some metric and poetic liberties were taken to adapt to language or cultural differences. To name a few: the "liberty" where Don Juan Evans and his followers will be has been converted to "eternidad", thus avoiding a word that has become politically complicated; the endearing nickname "Pwdin wy" (egg pudding) has been translated as "Pastelito de miel" (which re-translated would be "honey pie", not the only Beatles reference in this album); in Con cariño, already in spanish in the original, the dream has been changed from being Ronaldinho, to playing with Lio (Messi, of course); amongst "Selfies in the sunset" cultural adaptations, the Mel Gibson namecheck has been replaced by the local comic actor Francella; and so on.
released July 18, 2024
Canciones de Gruff Rhys
Adaptadas por Pablo Traine
Producido en Lage Nieuwstudio
por Pablo Traine + The Barock Plastiks
PT: voz, corno, guitarras, bajo, ukelele, teclados, percusión
TBP: programación, mix&master
Foto: Fede Bianchi
©2024 PT+TBP
No es el objetivo de esta publicación ganar dinero a costa de los derechos de autor del compositor. Cualquier eventual ganancia será donada. Si quieren este álbum y no pueden pagarlo, pónganse en contacto.
It is not the intention of this publication to make money at the expense of the composer's copyrights. Any eventual earnings will be donated.
Compren los discos de Gruff en / Go buy Gruff's records at