Bronx Council for Environmental Quality » Blog Archive » 2023-11-06_City of Yes for Housing GDEIS Scope Comments
- ️Mon Nov 06 2023
2023-11-06_City of Yes for Housing GDEIS Scope Comments
November 7th, 2023 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure
This is in reference to the Draft Scope of Work, Environmental Assessment Statement, Positive Declaration and Scoping Protocol, City of Yes for Housing Opportunity — CEQR No. 24DCP033Y. Kindly accept the attached comments and cover letter on behalf of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ), a 501c3 non-profit association.
In summary, you will find comments to change or add items to the draft scope of work: (1) Context, history and proofs for many statements is missing which have been identified. (2) Adopting the standard “cut and paste” CEQR comments is not enough — each task should be reviewed and based on the environmental impact. Show all letters from appropriate agencies in response to your proposed action. It will not suffice to state that the agency believes there is enough room in the sewer to continue to build housing units. Given the increase in flooding this is not correct — there is already a full pipe of stormwater and sewerage, both combined and separated. Finally, (3) Critical environment issues are missing, including errors in the Carbon Neutral COY leading to a hole in lowering the “heat island” effect and the need for clean air and water as well as the greening of NYC.
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