Bronx Council for Environmental Quality » Blog Archive » 2024-07-22_BCEQ-Comments_ Zoning-Housing-Opportunity-DEIS
- ️Mon Jul 22 2024
2024-07-22_BCEQ-Comments_ Zoning-Housing-Opportunity-DEIS
July 21st, 2024 Posted in climate changge, Climate Emergency, Front Page News, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, Water Committee
These are comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (CEQR NO. 24DCP033Y) for the proposal called the New York City (NYC) of Yes for Housing Opportunity or formally as the “Proposed Action,” aka Zoning for Housing Opportunity (ZHO).
“The NYC Department of City Planning (DCP) is proposing a citywide zoning text amendment to expand opportunities for housing within all zoning districts, and across all 59 of the City’s Community Districts. These changes to the City’s Zoning Resolution would enable more housing and a wider variety of housing types in every neighborhood, from the lowest-density districts to the highest, to address the housing shortage and high cost of housing in New York City.”
Due to the magnitude of the potential impacts of the text change, DCP was required to start an Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) which led to a Positive Declaration for environmental impacts, the creation of a draft Scope of Work (DSOW), followed by the Final Scope of Work (FSOW) and this DEIS.
Here is the document: 2024-07-20_BCEQ_ZHO-DEIS-Analysis_ 072024–w-Attachment-1
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