Genesis 27:24 Catholic Bible: but asked again, "Are you really Esau?" "I am," he answered.
Good News Translation
but asked again, "Are you really Esau?" "I am," he answered.
New Revised Standard Version
He said, “Are you really my son Esau?” He answered, “I am.”
Contemporary English Version
Isaac asked, "Are you really my son Esau?" "Yes, I am," Jacob answered.
New American Bible
Again Isaac said, “Are you really my son Esau?” And Jacob said, “I am.”
Douay-Rheims Bible
He said: Art thou my son Esau? He answered: I am.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
He said: Art thou my son Esau? He answered: I am.
I am.
1 Samuel 21:2,13 And David said to Achimelech, the priest: The king hath commanded me a business, and said: Let no man know the thing for which thou art sent by me, and what manner of commands I have given thee: and I have appointed my servants to such and such a place. . . .
1 Samuel 27:10 And Achis said to him: Whom hast thou gone against to day? David answered: Against the south of Juda, and against the south of Jerameel, and against the south of Ceni.
2 Samuel 14:5 And the king said to her: What is the matter with thee? She answered: Alas, I am a widow woman: for my husband is dead.
Job 13:7,8 Hath God any need of your lie, that you should speak deceitfully for him? . . .
Job 15:5 For thy iniquity hath taught thy mouth, and thou imitatest the tongue of blasphemers.
Proverbs 12:19,22 The lip of truth shall be steadfast for ever: but he that is a hasty witness, frameth a lying tongue. . . .
Proverbs 30:8 Remove far from me vanity, and lying words. Give me neither beggary, nor riches: give me only the necessaries of life:
Zechariah 8:16 These then are the things, which you shall do: Speak ye truth every one to his neighbour; judge ye truth and judgment of peace in your gates.
Romans 3:7,8 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie, unto his glory, why am I also yet judged as a sinner? . . .
Ephesians 4:25 Wherefore, putting away lying, speak ye the truth, every man with his neighbour. For we are members one of another.
Colossians 3:9 Lie not one to another: stripping yourselves of the old man with his deeds,