Luke 10 Mace New Testament

Jesus Sends the Seventy-Two
(Matthew 9:35–38)

1After this the Lord nominated seventy disciples more, and sent them before by two and two, into all the cities, and towns, where he himself design'd to go. 2and he said to them, the harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few: intreat therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into his harvest. 3go then: I send you as lambs among wolves. 4carry neither purse, nor bag, nor shoes; neither salute any man by the way. 5at your entrance into any house, first say, prosperity be to this family. 6if any be there, who deserve your benediction, it shall have its effect upon them; otherwise, it shall redound to your own advantage. 7continue in the same house, and eat and drink whatever it affords: for a labourer deserves his wages: therefore don't shift from family to family. 8when you come to any city, where they receive you, eat without scruple, whatever food is set before you, 9and heal the sick you find there, tell the inhabitants the kingdom of God is drawing nigh unto them. 10but when you enter into any city, and they refuse to entertain you, go through the streets, 11and cry, "we shake off the dust, that sticks to our feet, against you: but take notice, the kingdom of God has been near you." 12I declare unto you, that the people of Sodom shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than that city.

Woe to the Unrepentant
(Matthew 11:20–24)

13wo unto thee Chorazin; wo unto thee Bethsaida: for if the miracles, which have been wrought among you, had been wrought in Tyre and Sidon, they would long since have lain repenting in sackcloth and ashes. 14therefore Tyre and Sidon shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than you. 15and thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to the sky, shall be plung'd into an abyss.

16he that adheres to you, adheres to me; he that rejects you, rejects me: and he that rejects me, rejecteth him that sent me.

The Joyful Return

17At length the seventy return'd with great joy, saying, Lord, even the demons have been made subject to us by virtue of your name. 18upon which he said to them, I beheld satan falling, like lightning, from heaven. 19I have authoriz'd you to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and triumph over all the power of the enemy; so that nothing shall be capable of doing you any mischief. 20however, let not this be the matter of your rejoicing, that the spirits are subject to you: but rejoice, that you have a title to the joys of heaven.

Jesus’ Prayer of Thanksgiving
(Matthew 11:25–30)

21At that very time Jesus fell into a divine transport, and said, "I magnify thee, O father, the Lord of heaven and earth, for having conceal'd these things from the artful and the crafty, whilst thou hast reveal'd them to the unskilful, justly, O father, hast thou thus dispens'd thy favour." 22the management of every thing is committed to me by my father: no one knows what character the son is invested with, except the father; nor who the father is, except the son, and he to whom the son shall please to reveal it.

23then addressing himself to his disciples in particular, he said, happy are they, who see what you see: 24for I assure you, that many prophets and princes have desired to see what you now behold, but they never saw it; and to hear what you have heard, which they never did.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25Then a doctor of the law stood up to try him, saying, master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26to whom he answered, how does the law run in that case? what do you find? 27he replied, 'tis thus, "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and with all thy understanding; and thy neighbour as thy self." 28you have answered well, replied Jesus, do this, and you shall live. 29but he being desirous to clear himself, said to Jesus, but what is meant by our neighbour?

30to which Jesus answered, a certain man, as he was going from Jerusalem to Jericho, fell among thieves, who stripp'd him, and beat him, then march'd off leaving him half dead. 31a certain priest happen'd to be travelling that way, who look'd upon him, and then pass'd on. 32a Levite too came to the same place, gave him a look, and pass'd on. 33but a certain Samaritan being on the road, came where he was, and when he saw him, he took compassion on him, 34went up to him, dress'd his wounds by applying oil and wine, then set him upon his own mule, and brought him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35upon his departure the next day, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the master of the house, take care of him, said he, and I will repay you all the charges you are at, upon my return. 36which now of the three do you think was neighbour to the man that was robb'd. 37he, reply'd the doctor, who took pity on him, then said Jesus to him, go then, and imitate his example.

Martha and Mary

38Another time, as they were on a journey, Jesus enter'd into a village, where a woman, named Martha, entertain'd him at her house. 39now she had a sister, named Mary, who placed herself at the feet of Jesus, to attend to his discourse. 40but Martha perplex'd with the hurry of her affairs, came to him, and said, Lord, don't you observe my sister has left me to serve all alone: direct her therefore to give me some assistance. 41but Jesus replied to her, Martha, Martha, you trouble yourself about a world of cares: 42but the best and the most necessary concern is, what Mary has pitch'd upon, of which she shall never be deprived.