Topical Bible: Behavior
Topical Encyclopedia
Definition and Importance
Behavior, in a biblical context, refers to the actions and conduct of individuals as they live out their faith and interact with others. It encompasses moral and ethical dimensions, reflecting one's relationship with God and adherence to His commandments. The Bible emphasizes the importance of behavior as a testimony of faith and a reflection of one's inner spiritual state.
Biblical Foundations
The Bible provides numerous teachings on behavior, underscoring the need for believers to live in a manner that honors God. In the Old Testament, the Law given to Moses outlines specific behaviors expected of God's people, including the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). These commandments serve as a foundational guide for moral conduct.
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ expands on the principles of righteous behavior, emphasizing love, humility, and service. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). This highlights the role of behavior in witnessing to others and glorifying God.
Behavior in the Epistles
The apostolic letters provide further instruction on Christian behavior. The Apostle Paul frequently addresses the conduct of believers, urging them to live in a manner worthy of their calling. In Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul writes, "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, and with diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" .
Paul also contrasts the behaviors of the "old self" with those of the "new self" in Christ. In Colossians 3:5-10, he instructs believers to "put to death" earthly behaviors such as immorality, impurity, and greed, and to "put on" virtues like compassion, kindness, and humility .
Behavior and the Fruit of the Spirit
The behavior of a Christian is often associated with the fruit of the Spirit, as described in Galatians 5:22-23. These attributes—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—are evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in a believer's life. Paul contrasts these with the "acts of the flesh," which include behaviors such as hatred, discord, and jealousy (Galatians 5:19-21).
Behavior in Community and Relationships
The Bible places significant emphasis on behavior within the context of community and relationships. Believers are called to exhibit love and respect toward one another, as seen in 1 Peter 3:8-9: "Finally, all of you, be like-minded and sympathetic, love as brothers, be tenderhearted and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing" .
The behavior of believers is also crucial in their witness to the world. In 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, Paul advises, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, just as we instructed you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be dependent on anyone" .
Behavior and Accountability
Scripture teaches that individuals are accountable for their behavior before God. In Romans 14:12, Paul states, "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God" . This accountability underscores the importance of living a life that aligns with God's standards and commands.
The Bible provides comprehensive guidance on behavior, emphasizing its significance in the life of a believer. Through adherence to biblical principles and the work of the Holy Spirit, Christians are called to exhibit behavior that reflects their faith and glorifies God.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(n.) Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct; deportment; carriage; -- used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ship in a storm; the behavior of the magnetic needle.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
be-hav'-yer (Ta`am, "taste," "flavor," hence, "intellectual taste," i.e. judgment, reason, understanding): Of significance as referring to David's feigning madness before Aehish, king of Gath, being "sore afraid." Gesenius renders it "changed his understanding," i.e. his mental behavior and outward manner (1 Samuel 21:13, and title to Psalm 34).
Twice used in the New Testament (the King James Version) of the well-ordered life of the Christian (kosmios, "well-arranged," "modest," i.e. living with decorum: 1 Timothy 3:2), defining the blameless life expected of a minister (overseer), "A bishop must be.. of good behavior," the Revised Version (British and American) "orderly" (katastema, "demeanor," "deportment"), including, according to Dean Alford, "gesture and habit" as the outward expression of a reverent spirit (1 Peter 3:1, 2). "Aged women. in behavior as becometh holiness" (Titus 2:3; the Revised Version (British and American) "reverent in demeanor").
Dwight M. Pratt
391. anastrophe -- behavior, conduct
... behavior, conduct. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: anastrophe Phonetic
Spelling: (an-as-trof-ay') Short Definition: behavior, manner of life ...
// - 7k
2688. katastema -- demeanor
... demeanor. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: katastema Phonetic Spelling:
(kat-as'-tay-mah) Short Definition: behavior, conduct Definition: behavior ...
// - 7k
249. alogos -- without reason
... logic.". 249 ("unreasonable") refers to behavior (thinking) from God's point
of view, ie what is completely against . 249 () means ...
// - 7k
808. aschemosune -- unseemliness
... aschemosune Phonetic Spelling: (as-kay-mos-oo'-nay) Short Definition: unseemliness,
shame, nakedness Definition: unseemly behavior, unseemliness, indecency ...
// - 7k
3913. paraphronia -- madness
... Cognate: 3913 (from 3844 , "contrary-beside" and 5424 , "internal perspective behavior")
-- properly, thinking " oneself," madness; insane (irrational) behavior ...
// - 7k
5391. philophron -- courteous.
... 5391 (an adjective, derived from 5384 , "lover, friend," and 5426 , "mind-set,
behavior") -- properly, the of love which is quick to show friendly, courteous ...
// - 6k
5429. phronimos -- practically wise, sensible
... Cognate: 5429 (an adjective, derived from 5424 , "personal perspective regulating
outward behavior," and the root of the English term "diaphragm" which ...
// - 8k
4422. ptoeo -- to terrify
... with panic. 4422 (from the root meaning, "fly") -- properly, ; (figuratively) ,
like when someone "flies off" into , behavior. 4422 ...
// - 7k
2041. ergon -- work
... verb erdo (to do) Definition work NASB Word Usage action (1), behavior (1), deed
(13), deeds (52), doing (1), effectual (1), labor (1), result (1), task (1 ...
// - 7k
2124. eulabeia -- caution
... Cognate: 2124 (from 2126 , "reverent, godly fear") -- properly, "a taking hold of
what God calls good"; "holy caution," inducing behavior. See 2126 (). ...
// - 7k
Strong's Hebrew
4787b. marhebah -- boisterous, raging behavior
... 4787a, 4787b. marhebah. 4788 . boisterous, raging behavior. Transliteration:
marhebah Short Definition: fury. Word Origin from rahab ...
/hebrew/4787b.htm - 5k
7919a. sakal -- to be prudent
... showed (1), showing intelligence (1), succeed (1), understand (4), understanding
(2), understands (2), understood (1), wisdom (1), wise (6), wise behavior (1). ...
/hebrew/7919a.htm - 6k
2940. taam -- taste, judgment
... 1), sanity (1), taste (4). advice, behavior, decree, discretion, judgment,
reason, taste, understanding. From ta'am; properly, a ...
/hebrew/2940.htm - 6k
Christian Behavior
... CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR. ... In proportion as we are thus transformed in our minds, we shall
be able to fulfil all our duties and behavior as becometh Christians. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/christian behavior.htm
Letter i. Behavior and Manners.
... LETTER I. BEHAVIOR AND MANNERS. ... In the main, this power of winning friends
and love depends upon two things: behavior and manners. ...
/.../letter i behavior and manners.htm
The Christian Honoring God by his Dying Behavior.
/.../chapter xxx the christian honoring.htm
Whether any virtue Regards the Outward Movements of the Body?
... i, 18): "Beauty of conduct consists in becoming behavior towards others, according
to their sex and person," and this regards the first. ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether any virtue regards the.htm
How the Kings of Asia Honored the Nation of the Jews and Made them ...
... his son governed the habitable earth, pray that these privileges of citizens might
be taken away, they did not obtain their request in which behavior any one ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 3 how the kings.htm
1 Timothy iii. 4-Jan
... A Bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good
behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; not given to wine, no striker ...
/.../homily x 1 timothy iii.htm
Biographical Sketch
... forth John Wesley's high praise: "[She was] indefatigably patient and inexpressibly
tender; quick, cleanly, and skillful; of an engaging behavior, and of a mild ...
/.../wesley/the journal of john wesley/biographical sketch.htm
The First Epistle to Timothy
... General Regulations for Church Life, 2: 1--- 4: 5. Here we find first of all directions
for public intercession and for the behavior of men and women in the ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the first epistle to timothy.htm
Titus ii. 5-Feb
... The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false
accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may ...
/.../homily iv titus ii 5-feb.htm
O virgin, Maintain Thy Purpose which is Destined for a Great ...
... so that, if any believe not the word, they may, without the word, be won over by
the conduct of their wives, contemplating their chaste behavior in the fear of ...
/.../life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter xii o virgin maintain.htm
Behavior (20 Occurrences)
... Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct;
deportment; carriage; -- used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ...
/b/behavior.htm - 13k
Insolent (16 Occurrences)
... 1. (a.) Presumptuous; insulting; haughty, contemptuous or brutal in behavior or
language; overbearing; domineering; grossly rude or disrespectful; saucy; as ...
/i/insolent.htm - 11k
Riot (14 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (n.) Wanton or unrestrained behavior; uproar; tumult.
2. (n.) Excessive and expensive feasting; wild and loose festivity; revelry. ...
/r/riot.htm - 12k
Reverent (8 Occurrences)
... 2. (a.) Expressing reverence, veneration, devotion, or submission; as, reverent
words; reverent behavior. Multi-Version Concordance Reverent (8 Occurrences). ...
/r/reverent.htm - 8k
Manner (351 Occurrences)
... 3. (n.) Customary method of acting; habit. 4. (n.) Carriage; behavior; deportment;
also, becoming behavior; well-bred carriage and address. ...
/m/manner.htm - 45k
Conversation (30 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary. 1. (n.) General course of conduct; behavior. 2. (n.)
Familiar intercourse; intimate fellowship or association; close acquaintance. ...
/c/conversation.htm - 19k
Ishmael (44 Occurrences)
... As soon as Hagar "saw that she had conceived," her behavior toward her mistress
underwent a radical change; she was "despised in her eyes." But for the ...
/i/ishmael.htm - 38k
Beholding (45 Occurrences)
... so rendered in English Versions of the Bible, but epopteusantes, "your good works,
which they behold" (1 Peter 2:12); "beholding your chaste behavior" (1 Peter ...
/b/beholding.htm - 21k
Conduct (93 Occurrences)
... 5. (n.) The manner of guiding or carrying one's self; personal deportment; mode
of action; behavior. 6. (n.) Plot; action; construction; manner of development. ...
/c/conduct.htm - 35k
Observe (216 Occurrences)
... 1 Peter 2:12 having good behavior among the nations, so in that of which they speak
against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they see ...
/o/observe.htm - 38k
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Behavior (20 Occurrences)
Romans 13:3
For rulers are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Do you desire to have no fear of the authority? Do that which is good, and you will have praise from the same,
(See NAS)
Colossians 1:21
You, being in past times alienated and enemies in your mind in your evil works,
(See NIV)
1 Thessalonians 2:10
You are witnesses with God, how holy, righteously, and blamelessly we behaved ourselves toward you who believe.
(See RSV)
1 Timothy 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
Titus 1:6
if anyone is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, who are not accused of loose or unruly behavior.
Titus 2:3
and that older women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
James 3:13
Who 'is' wise and intelligent among you? let him shew out of the good behaviour his works in meekness of wisdom,
(See NAS)
1 Peter 1:15
but just as he who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all of your behavior;
1 Peter 2:12
having good behavior among the nations, so in that of which they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they see, glorify God in the day of visitation.
1 Peter 3:1
In like manner, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; so that, even if any don't obey the Word, they may be won by the behavior of their wives without a word;
1 Peter 3:2
seeing your pure behavior in fear.
1 Peter 3:16
having a good conscience, that in that in which they speak against you as evil-doers, they may be ashamed who are traducing your good behaviour in Christ;
1 Samuel 21:13
He changed his behavior before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down on his beard.
Esther 1:18
Today, the princesses of Persia and Media who have heard of the queen's deed will tell all the king's princes. This will cause much contempt and wrath.
(See RSV)
Esther 3:4
Now when they had said this to him day after day and he gave no attention, they let Haman have news of it, to see if Mordecai's behaviour would be overlooked: for he had said to them that he was a Jew.
(See NIV)
Psalms 33:22
Let thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, be upon us, According as we have hoped in thee. Psalm 34 A Psalm of David; when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.
Psalms 34:1
A Psalm of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Proverbs 1:3
To be trained in the ways of wisdom, in righteousness and judging truly and straight behaviour:
(See NAS)
Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the Lord is seen in hating evil: pride, a high opinion of oneself, the evil way, and the false tongue, are unpleasing to me.
(See NIV)
Ezekiel 16:27
Behold, therefore I have stretched out My hand over thee, and have diminished thine allowance, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, that are ashamed of thy lewd way.
(See RSV)
Related Terms
Pleasure-making (1 Occurrence)