Topical Bible: Deadly
Topical Encyclopedia
The term "deadly" in the context of the Bible often refers to something that causes death or is capable of causing death. It can be used both literally and metaphorically to describe physical, spiritual, or moral dangers. The Bible addresses the concept of deadly in various contexts, emphasizing the seriousness of sin, the consequences of disobedience, and the power of God over life and death.
Physical Dangers:
In the literal sense, "deadly" can refer to physical threats or dangers that can lead to death. For example, in the Psalms, the psalmist often speaks of deadly threats from enemies. Psalm 91:3 states, "Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly plague." Here, the term "deadly plague" refers to a physical ailment that poses a threat to life, highlighting God's protection over His people.
Spiritual and Moral Dangers:
The Bible also uses "deadly" to describe spiritual and moral dangers. Sin is often depicted as deadly because it leads to spiritual death and separation from God. Romans 6:23 declares, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse underscores the deadly nature of sin and the life-giving power of God's grace through Jesus Christ.
James 3:8 warns of the deadly potential of the tongue: "But no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." This metaphorical use of "deadly" illustrates the destructive power of words and the moral responsibility to use speech wisely.
Divine Judgment:
The concept of deadly is also evident in the context of divine judgment. In the Old Testament, God's judgment on sin often resulted in physical death as a consequence of disobedience. For instance, in Numbers 16, the rebellion of Korah and his followers led to a deadly outcome as the earth swallowed them up, demonstrating the seriousness of defying God's appointed leaders.
Protection and Deliverance:
Despite the presence of deadly threats, the Bible consistently affirms God's power to protect and deliver His people. Psalm 23:4 provides comfort: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." This passage reassures believers of God's presence and protection even in the face of deadly dangers.
Eternal Perspective:
From an eternal perspective, the Bible teaches that physical death is not the ultimate end for believers. Through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are promised eternal life, transcending the deadly consequences of sin. Revelation 21:4 offers hope: "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away."
In summary, the concept of "deadly" in the Bible encompasses both physical and spiritual dimensions, highlighting the seriousness of sin, the reality of divine judgment, and the assurance of God's protection and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (a.) Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive; certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound.
2. (a.) Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies.
3. (a.) Subject to death; mortal.
4. (adv.) In a manner resembling, or as if produced by, death.
5. (adv.) In a manner to occasion death; mortally.
6. (adv.) In an implacable manner; destructively.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ded'-li: In the Old Testament two words are used in the sense of a "mortal (Hebrew nephesh, "hateful," "foul") enemy" (Psalm 17:9), and in the sense of "fatal disease," the destructiveness of which causes a general panic (Hebrew maweth, "death," 1 Samuel 5:11).
In the New Testament we have in Revelation 13:3, 12 the expression "deadly wound" (Greek thanatos), better "death-stroke," as in the Revised Version (British and American), and the phrases "deadly thing," i.e. poison (thanasimon ti, Mark 16:18), and "full of deadly poison" (meste iou thanatephorou, James 3:8), said of an unruly tongue. Both Greek words convey the idea of "causing or bringing death" and occur in classical literature in a variety of uses in combination with the bite of venomous reptiles, deadly potions, mortal wounds and fatal contagion.
H. L. E. Luering
2286. thanasimos -- deadly
... deadly. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: thanasimos Phonetic Spelling:
(than-as'-ee-mos) Short Definition: deadly, mortal Definition: deadly, mortal ...
// - 6k
2287. thanatephoros -- death-bringing
... Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: thanatephoros Phonetic Spelling:
(than-at-ay'-for-os) Short Definition: death-bringing, deadly Definition: death ...
// - 6k
2288. thanatos -- death
... deadly, death. From thnesko; (properly, an adjective used as a noun) death (literally
or figuratively) -- X deadly, (be...) Death. see GREEK thnesko. ...
// - 7k
2227. zoopoieo -- to make alive
... This enables not just Him (cf. Gal 2:20; Ro 8:28-30; 1 Jn 5:4). His overcomes
all the deadly effects of sin. (1 Cor 15:36,38) , -- The #NAME? ...
// - 8k
Strong's Hebrew
4194. maveth -- death
... Word Origin from muth Definition death NASB Word Usage dead (4), deadly (3), Death
(2), death (129), die (7), died (9), dies (6), plague (1). ...
/hebrew/4194.htm - 6k
4463. mamoth -- death
... 4462, 4463. mamoth. 4464 . death. Transliteration: mamoth Phonetic Spelling:
(maw-mothe') Short Definition: deadly. Word Origin ...
/hebrew/4463.htm - 6k
393. akzar -- cruel, fierce
... Word Origin from an unused word Definition cruel, fierce NASB Word Usage
cruel (2), deadly (1), fierce (1). cruel, fierce. From an ...
/hebrew/393.htm - 6k
2491. chalal -- pierced
... chalal. 2491a . pierced. Transliteration: chalal Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-lawl')
Short Definition: kill. kill, profane, slain man, slew, deadly wounded ...
/hebrew/2491.htm - 5k
7451a. ra -- bad, evil
... Word Origin from the same as roa Definition bad, evil NASB Word Usage bad (23),
bad* (2), badly (1), deadly (1), defamed* (1), defames* (1), defect* (1 ...
/hebrew/7451a.htm - 6k
1942. havvah -- desire, chasm, destruction
... Word Origin from havah Definition desire, chasm, destruction NASB Word Usage calamities
(1), calamity (1), craving (1), deadly (1), desire (2), destruction (8 ...
/hebrew/1942.htm - 6k
834. asher -- who, which, that
... pronoun Definition who, which, that NASB Word Usage although (1), anyone (1), because
(45), because* (73), before* (3), concerning* (1), deadly* (1), everything ...
/hebrew/834.htm - 7k
7819. shachat -- to slaughter, beat
... root Definition to slaughter, beat NASB Word Usage beaten (5), deadly (1), kill
(2), killed (1), kills (1), offer (1), slain (5), slaughter (17), slaughtered ...
/hebrew/7819.htm - 6k
2026. harag -- to kill, slay
... A primitive root; to smite with deadly intent -- destroy, out of hand, kill,
murder(-er), put to (death), make (slaughter), slay(-er), X surely. 2025, 2026. ...
/hebrew/2026.htm - 6k
5315. nephesh -- a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire ...
... anyone* (1), appetite (7), being (1), beings (3), body (1), breath (1), corpse
(2), creature (6), creatures (3), dead (1), dead person (2), deadly (1), death ( ...
/hebrew/5315.htm - 7k
Avoid the Deadly Errors of the Docet??.
... Chapter XI."Avoid the deadly errors of the Docet??. Flee, therefore, those
evil offshoots [of Satan], which produce death-bearing ...
/.../the epistle of ignatius to the trallians/chapter xi avoid the deadly errors.htm
How a Man Shall Know when his Thought is no Sin; and if it be Sin ...
... HERE BEGINNETH THE TENTH CHAPTER How a man shall know when his thought is no
sin; and if it be sin, when it is deadly and when it is venial. ...
/.../anonymous/the cloud of unknowing/here beginneth the tenth chapter.htm
In Every Sinful Man and Woman that is Bound in Deadly Sin...
... CHAPTER I. In every sinful man and woman that is bound in deadly sin?
In every sinful man and woman that is bound in deadly sin ...
/.../chapter i in every sinful.htm
Again He Convicts his Opponent of Deadly Heresy by his Own ...
... Chapter IX. Again he convicts his opponent of deadly heresy by his own confession.
But why are we arguing about words, when the facts are clear enough? ...
/.../cassian/the seven books of john cassian /chapter ix again he convicts.htm
How we Can Decide what is Useful and the Sorrow According to God ...
... Prolegomena. Chapter XI. How we can decide what is useful and the sorrow
according to God, and what is devilish and deadly. But ...
/.../cassian/the works of john cassian /chapter xi how we can.htm
The Attractive Power of God
... Therefore deadly sin is a breach of nature, a death of the soul, a disquiet of the
heart, a weakening of power, a blindness of the sense, a sorrow of the spirit ...
/.../eckhart/meister eckharts sermons/i the attractive power of.htm
Ezekiel's Discourse
... And let the sword be doubled the third time; The sword of the deadly wounded: It
is the sword of the great one that is deadly wounded Which compasseth them ...
/.../various/select masterpieces of biblical literature/vi ezekiels discourse.htm
... of that house. Let the Foe Opium come to invade that house and to destroy
the inmates, for every poison is a deadly Foe. At the ...
/.../judy/questionable amusements and worthy substitutes/i tobacco.htm
The Regenerating Work of the Holy Spirit.
... by making it mean something it does not say, gives life; and those who insist upon
Scripture meaning exactly what it says are called "deadly literalists." This ...
/.../the person and work of the holy spirit/chapter ix the regenerating work.htm
Antichrist in Ezekiel
... He will be what the popes have long aspired to be " head of the World-State, and
head of the World-Church. "And thou, O deadly wounded Wicked One, the Prince ...
// antichrist/3 antichrist in ezekiel.htm
Deadly (31 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (a.) Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive;
certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound. ...DEADLY. ...
/d/deadly.htm - 17k
Deadly-wounded (1 Occurrence)
Deadly-wounded. Deadly, Deadly-wounded. Deadness . Multi-Version
Concordance Deadly-wounded (1 Occurrence). Ezekiel ...
/d/deadly-wounded.htm - 6k
Poison (17 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism, is capable of
producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly effect upon it; as, morphine is a ...
/p/poison.htm - 17k
Cockatrice (3 Occurrences)
... 3. (n.) A venomous serpent which cannot now be identified. 4. (n.) Any venomous
or deadly thing. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. COCKATRICE. ...
/c/cockatrice.htm - 10k
Serpent (40 Occurrences)
... (see ADDER.). This word is used symbolically of a deadly, subtle, malicious enemy
(Luke 10:19). ... Theol., ii. Serpent, Fiery. (LXX. "deadly, " Vulg. ...
/s/serpent.htm - 46k
Deathly (3 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (a.) Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive. 2. (adv.)
Deadly; as, deathly pale or sick. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/d/deathly.htm - 7k
Unhallowed (3 Occurrences)
... (DBY). Ezekiel 21:25 You, deadly wounded wicked one, the prince of Israel, whose
day is come, in the time of the iniquity of the end, (See RSV). ...
/u/unhallowed.htm - 7k
Final (16 Occurrences)
... (See NIV). Ezekiel 21:25 You, deadly wounded wicked one, the prince of Israel, whose
day is come, in the time of the iniquity of the end, (See RSV). ...
/f/final.htm - 11k
Fowler (3 Occurrences)
... And from the deadly pestilence." This is David's promise that the Almighty will
deliver us from the evil plans laid to ruin us, as a bird sometimes in its ...
/f/fowler.htm - 11k
Doubled (5 Occurrences)
... 21:14 You therefore, son of man, prophesy, and strike your hands together; and let
the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the deadly wounded: it is ...
/d/doubled.htm - 8k
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Deadly (31 Occurrences)
Mark 16:18
they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
Luke 8:23
During the passage He fell asleep, and there came down a squall of wind on the Lake, so that the boat began to fill and they were in deadly peril.
2 Corinthians 1:10
who out of so great a death did deliver us, and doth deliver, in whom we have hoped that even yet He will deliver;
James 3:8
But nobody can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
Revelation 13:3
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:12
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Exodus 10:17
Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and entreat the LORD your God, that He may take away from me this death only.'
(See NIV)
Numbers 35:23
Or has given him a blow with a stone, without seeing him, so causing his death, though he had nothing against him and no desire to do him evil:
(See NAS)
Deuteronomy 22:26
and to the damsel thou dost not do anything, the damsel hath no deadly sin; for as a man riseth against his neighbour and hath murdered him -- the life, so 'is' this thing;
Deuteronomy 32:24
They shall be wasted with hunger, and devoured with burning heat and bitter destruction. I will send the teeth of animals on them, With the poison of crawling things of the dust.
(See NIV)
Deuteronomy 32:33
Their wine is the poison of serpents, The cruel venom of asps.
1 Samuel 5:11
They sent therefore and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and they said, "Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go again to its own place, that it not kill us and our people." For there was a deadly confusion throughout all the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.
Psalms 7:13
He hath also prepared for him the weapons of death, yea, His arrows which He made sharp.
Psalms 17:9
from the wicked who oppress me, my deadly enemies, who surround me.
Psalms 41:8
"An evil disease," they say, "has afflicted him. Now that he lies he shall rise up no more."
(See RSV)
Psalms 42:10
As with a sword in my bones, my adversaries reproach me, while they continually ask me, "Where is your God?"
(See RSV)
Psalms 64:3
who sharpen their tongue like a sword, and aim their arrows, deadly words,
Psalms 91:3
For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence.
Psalms 144:10
You are he who gives salvation to kings, who rescues David, his servant, from the deadly sword.
Proverbs 21:6
The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vapour driven to and fro; they that seek them seek death.
(See NIV)
Proverbs 26:18
As a madman who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death;
(See NIV)
Jeremiah 9:8
Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit: one speaks peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth, but in his heart he lays wait for him.
Jeremiah 16:4
Of painful deaths they die, They are not lamented, nor are they buried, For dung on the face of the ground they are, And by sword and by famine are consumed, And their carcase hath been for food To the fowl of the heavens, And to the beast of the earth.
Jeremiah 18:23
And Thou, O Jehovah, Thou hast known, All their counsel against me 'is' for death, Thou dost not cover over their iniquity, Nor their sin from before Thee blottest out, And they are made to stumble before Thee, In the time of Thine anger work against them!
(See NAS)
Ezekiel 5:16
when I shall send on them the evil arrows of famine, that are for destruction, which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine on you, and will break your staff of bread;
Ezekiel 9:2
Behold, six men came from the way of the upper gate, which lies toward the north, every man with his slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man in the midst of them clothed in linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side. They went in, and stood beside the bronze altar.
(See NIV)
Ezekiel 21:14
You therefore, son of man, prophesy, and strike your hands together; and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the deadly wounded: it is the sword of the great one who is deadly wounded, which enters into their chambers.
Ezekiel 21:25
You, deadly wounded wicked one, the prince of Israel, whose day is come, in the time of the iniquity of the end,
Ezekiel 21:29
while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies to you, to lay you on the necks of the wicked who are deadly wounded, whose day is come in the time of the iniquity of the end.
Ezekiel 30:24
I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand: but I will break the arms of Pharaoh, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded man.
Nahum 3:4
because of the multitude of the prostitution of the alluring prostitute, the mistress of witchcraft, who sells nations through her prostitution, and families through her witchcraft.
(See RSV)
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