Topical Bible: Jebus
Topical Encyclopedia
Jebus is an ancient city mentioned in the Bible, known today as Jerusalem. It was originally inhabited by the Jebusites, a Canaanite tribe. The city holds significant historical and theological importance in biblical narratives, particularly in the context of Israel's conquest of Canaan and the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of the united kingdom under King David.
Biblical References:
Jebus is first mentioned in the context of the conquest of Canaan. In the Book of Joshua, the city is listed among the territories that the Israelites were to conquer. Joshua 15:8 describes the boundary of the tribe of Judah, which included the "Valley of Ben Hinnom, at the southern slope of the Jebusite city (that is, Jerusalem)." This indicates the strategic and geographical significance of Jebus in the tribal allotments.
In Judges 19:10-11 , Jebus is mentioned in the narrative of the Levite and his concubine: "But the man was unwilling to spend the night, so he got up and departed. He arrived opposite Jebus (that is, Jerusalem) with his two saddled donkeys and his concubine. When they were near Jebus and the day was almost gone, the servant said to his master, 'Please, let us stop at this Jebusite city and spend the night there.'"
Historical Context:
The Jebusites were one of the several Canaanite tribes inhabiting the land before the arrival of the Israelites. The city of Jebus was a fortified stronghold, making it a significant challenge for the Israelites during their conquest. Despite its initial resistance, Jebus was eventually captured by King David, as recorded in 2 Samuel 5:6-7 : "Now the king and his men marched to Jerusalem against the Jebusites who inhabited the land. And the Jebusites said to David, 'You will never get in here; even the blind and lame can repel you,' thinking, 'David cannot get in here.' Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion (that is, the City of David)."
Theological Significance:
The capture of Jebus and its transformation into Jerusalem marks a pivotal moment in biblical history. It signifies the unification of the tribes of Israel under David's rule and the establishment of Jerusalem as the political and spiritual center of Israel. The city later becomes the site of Solomon's Temple, further solidifying its central role in Jewish worship and identity.
Cultural and Religious Impact:
Jebus, as Jerusalem, holds profound significance in Judeo-Christian tradition. It is the city where many key biblical events unfold, including the reigns of David and Solomon, the prophetic ministries, and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Jerusalem is often seen as a symbol of God's presence and covenant with His people, a theme that resonates throughout the Scriptures.
Archaeological Insights:
Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem have uncovered evidence of ancient fortifications and structures that date back to the time of the Jebusites. These findings provide a glimpse into the city's early history and its development over the centuries. The ancient water systems, such as the Gihon Spring, are believed to have been part of the city's defenses during the Jebusite period.
While the entry does not include a conclusion, it is evident that Jebus, as the precursor to Jerusalem, plays a crucial role in biblical history and theology. Its capture by David and subsequent transformation into the City of David marks a significant turning point in the narrative of Israel and its relationship with God.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
Smith's Bible Dictionary
(threshing-floor), one of the names of Jerusalem, the city of the Jebusites, are called JEBUSI. (Joshua 15:8; 18:16,28; Judges 19:10,11; 1 Chronicles 11:4,5) [JERUSALEM]
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Trodden hard, or fastness, or "the waterless hill", the name of the Canaanitish city which stood on Mount Zion (Joshua 15:8; 18:16, 28). It is identified with Jerusalem (q.v.) in Judges 19:10, and with the castle or city of David (1 Chronicles 11:4, 5). It was a place of great natural strength, and its capture was one of David's most brilliant achievements (2 Samuel 5:8).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
je'-bus (yebhuc; Iebous): In Judges 19:10, 11, "Jebus (the same is Jerusalem)"; 1 Chronicles 11:4, 5, "Jerusalem (the same is Jebus)." It was once thought that this was the first name of Jerusalem, as indeed might be suggested by the Biblical references, but it is now known from the Tell el-Amarna Letters that Urusa-lem was a name used centuries before the time of David (see JERUSALEM, I). It would appear probable that the name "Jebus" was evolved by the Hebrews as an alternate name, and possibly they may have imagined an earlier name, for Jerusalem from JEBUSITE (which see), the name of the local tribe who owned the district in the first centuries of Israel's occupation of Canaan.
E. W. G. Masterman
je'-bus, jeb'-u-si, jeb'-u-zit (yebhuc, ha-yebhuci): "Jebus" is an old name for Jerusalem (Judges 19:10, 11 1 Chronicles 4:5 parallel 2 Samuel 5:6-9, "the same is Jerus"; see preceding article). "Jebusi" (literally, "Jebusite") is also used as a name for the city in the King James Version (Joshua 18:16, 28; compare Joshua 15:8); the Revised Version (British and American) correctly renders "Jebusite" (see JERUSALEM). "Jebusites," for the people (in the King James Version Genesis 15:21 Exodus 3:8, 17, etc.), does not occur in Hebrew in the plural; hence, in the Revised Version (British and American) is always rendered in the singular, "Jebusite." The "Jebusite" is said in Genesis 10:16 1 Chronicles 1:14 to be the 3rd son of Canaan, i.e. of the country of Canaan. Elsewhere he represents a tribe separate from the Canaanites. He stands between Heth and the Amorite (compare Numbers 13:29 Joshua 11:3 Ezekiel 16:3, 15). In the lists of the peoples inhabiting Palestine the "Jebusite" is always placed last, a fact indicative, probably, of their smaller number.
To what race the Jebusites belonged is doubtful. Their name does not seem Semitic, and they do not make their appearance till after the patriarchal period.
The original name of Jerusalem was Babylonian, Uru-Salim, "the city of Salim," shortened into Salem in Genesis 14:18 and in the inscriptions of the Egyptian kings Ramses II and Ramses III. In the Tell el-Amarna Letters (1400 B.C.) Jerusalem is still known as Uru-Salim, and its king bears a Hittite name, implying that it was at the time in the possession of the Hittites. His enemies, however, were closing around him, and one of the tablets shows that the city was eventually captured and its king slain. These enemies would seem to have been the Jebusites, since it is after this period that the name "Jebus" makes its appearance for the first time in the Old Testament (Judges 19:10, 11).
The Jebusite king at the time of the conquest was Adoni-zedek, who met his death at Beth-boron (Joshua 10:1; in Joshua 10:5 the word "Amorite" is used in its Babylonian sense to denote the inhabitants of Canaan generally). The Jebusites were a mountain tribe (Numbers 13:29 Joshua 11:3). Their capital "Jebus" was taken by the men of Judah and burned with fire (Judges 18), but they regained possession of, and held, the fortress till the time of David (2 Samuel 5:6).
When Jerusalem was taken by David, the lives and property of its Jebusite inhabitants were spared, and they continued to inhabit the temple-hill, David and his followers settling in the new City of David on Mt. Zion (Joshua 15:8, 63 Judges 1:21; Judges 19:11). And as Araunah is called "king" (2 Samuel 24:23), we may conclude that their last ruler also had been lowed to live. His name is non-Sem, and the various spellings of it (compare 1 Chronicles 21:15, "Ornan") indicate that the Hebrew writers had some difficulty in pronouncing it. The Jebusites seem ultimately to have blended with the Israelite population.
James Orr
Strong's Hebrew
2983. Yebusi -- inhab. of Jebus
... inhab. of Jebus. Transliteration: Yebusi Phonetic Spelling: (yeb-oo-see') Short
Definition: Jebusite. ... of Jebus NASB Word Usage Jebusite (25), Jebusites (16). ...
/hebrew/2983.htm - 6k
2982. Yebus -- an early name of Jer.
... Transliteration: Yebus Phonetic Spelling: (yeb-oos') Short Definition: Jebus. Word
Origin from bus Definition an early name of Jer. NASB Word Usage Jebus (4). ...
/hebrew/2982.htm - 6k
The Reign of David.
... Besides the subduing of the Philistines and capture of Jebus, already mentioned,
he conquered the Moabites. the Syrians, the Edomites and the Ammonites. ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter xi the reign of.htm
Israel in Canaan.
... Many a fortified town was still held by the Canaanites, in especial Jebus, on Mount
Moriah, between Judah and Benjamin; and close to Asher, the two great ...
// chosen people/lesson v israel in canaan.htm
Psalm LXV.
... That Jerusalem in the land of the Jebusites was builded: for at first it used to
be called Jebus, [2541] from thence the nation of the Jebusites was expelled ...
/.../ on the book of psalms/psalm lxv.htm
The Kingdom of all Israel.
... Salem, or peace, when the mysterious priest-king, Melchizedek, reigned there in
Abraham's time, but since it had been held by the Jebusites, and called Jebus. ...
// chosen people/lesson vi the kingdom of.htm
Letter Xlvi. Paula and Eustochium to Marcella.
... For it is called first Jebus, then Salem, then Jerusalem: names of which the first
means "down-trodden," the second "peace," and the third "vision of peace ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter xlvi paula and eustochium.htm
Psalm LXII.
... when Jerusalem was being builded, it was not builded in a place where there was
not a city, but there was a city at first which was called Jebus, whence the ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxii.htm
Demonstration xxi. --Of Persecution.
... altar. For consider and see that this mountain whereon Abraham offered
his son is the mountain of Jebus, which is Jerusalem. And ...
/.../aphrahat/aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xxi of persecution.htm
Of Jesus, God and Man; and the Testimonies of the Prophets ...
... The name is probably derived from Salem, of which city Melchisedec was king. Some
derive it from Jebus (the ancient name of the city) and Salem. [See vol. ii. ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xiii of jesus god and.htm
Letter cviii. To Eustochium.
... on her left the mausoleum of Helena queen of Adiabene [2773] who in time of famine
had sent corn to the Jewish people, Paula entered Jerusalem, Jebus, or Salem ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cviii to eustochium.htm
Aron, Brother of Moses, 486, 487.
... 631. See Esau. Jannes and Jambres, [595]96. Jebus and Jebusites, [596]268.
Jeremiah, song of, [597]267, [598]315. Jerusalem, [599 ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/aron brother of moses 486.htm
Jebus (5 Occurrences)
... David's most brilliant achievements (2 Samuel 5:8). Int. Standard Bible
Encyclopedia. JEBUS. je'-bus (yebhuc; Iebous): In Judges 19:10 ...
/j/jebus.htm - 13k
Jebusi (2 Occurrences)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia JEBUS; JEBUSI; JEBUSITE. je'-bus,
jeb'-u-si, jeb'-u-zit (yebhuc, ha-yebhuci): "Jebus" is an old ...
/j/jebusi.htm - 11k
Jebusites (29 Occurrences)
... The name of the original inhabitants of Jebus, mentioned frequently among the seven
nations doomed to destruction (Genesis 10:16; 15:21; Exodus 3:8, 17; 13:5 ...
/j/jebusites.htm - 17k
Jebusite (39 Occurrences)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia JEBUS; JEBUSI; JEBUSITE. je'-bus,
jeb'-u-si, jeb'-u-zit (yebhuc, ha-yebhuci): "Jebus" is an old ...
/j/jebusite.htm - 25k
... It is unlikely that Jebus (Jerusalem) itself was an exception, although in
Solomonic and later times it extended to a far greater area. ...
/c/city.htm - 43k
Spend (54 Occurrences)
... Judges 19:10 But the man would not spend the night; he rose up and departed,
and arrived opposite Jebus (that is, Jerusalem). He ...
/s/spend.htm - 23k
Jeb'usites (30 Occurrences)
... Judges 19:11 When they were near Jebus, the day was far spent, and the servant said
to his master, "Come now, let us turn aside to this city of the Jeb'usites ...
/j/jeb'usites.htm - 16k
Lodge (64 Occurrences)
... Judges 19:10 And the man hath not been willing to lodge all night, and he riseth,
and goeth, and cometh in till over-against Jebus (It 'is' Jerusalem), and ...
/l/lodge.htm - 29k
Jerusalem (782 Occurrences)
... Called also Salem, Ariel, Jebus, the "city of God," the "holy city;" by the modern
Arabs el-Khuds, meaning "the holy;" once "the city of Judah" (2 Chronicles 25 ...
/j/jerusalem.htm - 89k
Night's (13 Occurrences)
... Judges 19:11 When they got near Jebus the day was far gone; and the servant said
to his master, Now let us go from our road into this town of the Jebusites and ...
/n/night's.htm - 10k
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