Topical Bible: Sulphur

Topical Encyclopedia

Sulphur, often referred to as "brimstone" in the Bible, is a chemical element known for its distinctive yellow color and pungent smell when burned. In biblical times, sulphur was commonly associated with divine judgment and destruction, symbolizing the wrath of God against sin and wickedness.

Biblical References:

1. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: One of the most notable mentions of sulphur in the Bible is in the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19:24 states, "Then the LORD rained down sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens." This event is often cited as a demonstration of God's judgment against the grievous sins of these cities.

2. Imagery of Judgment: Sulphur is frequently used in prophetic literature to depict the severity of divine judgment. In Isaiah 34:9 , the prophet describes the desolation of Edom: "Her streams will be turned to tar, and her soil to sulfur; her land will become a blazing pitch." This imagery underscores the total and consuming nature of God's wrath.

3. The Lake of Fire: In the New Testament, sulphur is associated with the final judgment and eternal punishment. Revelation 21:8 warns, "But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death." Here, sulphur is part of the imagery used to describe the lake of fire, a place of eternal separation from God.

Symbolism and Theological Significance:

Sulphur's role in the Bible is primarily symbolic, representing the purity and intensity of God's judgment. Its use in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and in prophetic visions serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of sin and the holiness of God. The burning of sulphur, with its intense heat and acrid smoke, serves as a powerful metaphor for the consuming nature of divine wrath.

In biblical theology, sulphur is not merely a physical substance but a representation of the moral and spiritual realities of God's justice. It serves as a warning to the faithful to live righteously and to avoid the paths that lead to destruction. The recurring theme of sulphur in the context of judgment emphasizes the seriousness with which God views sin and the ultimate accountability of humanity before Him.

Cultural and Historical Context:

In ancient times, sulphur was a well-known substance, used for various purposes, including medicine and fumigation. Its natural occurrence in volcanic regions and its association with fire made it a fitting symbol for divine retribution. The biblical writers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, utilized the familiar properties of sulphur to communicate profound spiritual truths to their audiences.

Overall, sulphur in the Bible serves as a vivid reminder of the holiness of God and the reality of His judgment, calling believers to repentance and faithfulness in their walk with the Lord.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

1. (n.) A nonmetallic element occurring naturally in large quantities, either combined as in the sulphides (as pyrites) and sulphates (as gypsum), or native in volcanic regions, in vast beds mixed with gypsum and various earthy materials, from which it is melted out. Symbol S. Atomic weight 32. The specific gravity of ordinary octohedral sulphur is 2.05; of prismatic sulphur, 1.96.

2. (n.) Any one of numerous species of yellow or orange butterflies of the subfamily Pierinae; as, the clouded sulphur (Eurymus, / Colias, philodice), which is the common yellow butterfly of the Eastern United States.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia



2303. theion -- brimstone
... 2303 -- properly, sulfur ("brimstone," ie smoky, burning rocks), ie , named for
the sulphur-smell left by ; (figuratively) the, bringing down to display His ...
// - 6k

2306. theiodes -- of brimstone
... brimstone. From theion and eidos; sulphur-like, ie Sulphurous -- brimstone. see
GREEK theion. (theiodeis) -- 1 Occurrence. 2305, 2306. theiodes. 2307 . ...
// - 6k

Strong's Hebrew

1614. gophrith -- brimstone
... brimstone. Probably feminine of gopher; properly, cypress- resin; by analogy, sulphur
(as equally inflammable) -- brimstone. see HEBREW gopher. 1613, 1614. ...
/hebrew/1614.htm - 6k


Of the Idols which the Gentiles Think to be Gods.
... And then I saw the horses in the vision, and those that sate upon them, having
breastplates of fire, and of hyacinth, and of sulphur: and the heads of the ...
/.../cyprian/three books of testimonies against the jews/59 of the idols which.htm

The Illusion of the Sealed Letters; Object in Detailing These ...
... Melting pitch, resin, and sulphur, and moreover asphalt, in equal parts, (and)
forming the ointment into a figure, they keep it by them. ...
/.../hippolytus/the refutation of all heresies/chapter xxxiv the illusion of the.htm

Whether the Fire of Hell is of the Same Species as Ours?
... it signify, as to this particular point, whether they be kindled by force, as in
the case of iron, or by a natural intrinsic principle, as happens with sulphur ...
/...// theologica/whether the fire of hell 2.htm

God who Appeared to Moses is Distinguished from God the Father.
... It is thus: The sun was risen on the earth, and Lot entered into Segor (Zoar); and
the Lord rained on Sodom sulphur and fire from the Lord out of heaven, and ...
/.../chapter lvi god who appeared to.htm

The Heathens Made Gods Like Themselves, Whence Springs all ...
... who worship every stick and greasy stone, as the saying is, dreads tufts of tawny
wool, and lumps of salt, and torches, and squills, and sulphur, bewitched by ...
/.../clement/the stromata or miscellanies/chapter iv the heathens made gods.htm

A Strain of Sodom.
... Down pours a novel shower: the ether seethes. 145 With sulphur mixt with blazing
flames: [1231] the air. ... From seething mass of sulphur and of brine. ...
/.../fathers of the third century tertullian appendix/2 a strain of sodom.htm

Of the Thousand Years in which the Dragon or Satan is bound, with ...
... having been consumed by fire sent down from heaven, he himself being taken as a
deceiver, is said to be cast into a lake of fire and sulphur, where the beast ...
/.../mede/a key to the apocalypse/synchronism iv of the thousand.htm

Chapter xix
... 23-25. As the sun rose upon the earth, Lot came to Zoar, and Yahweh rained upon
Sodom and upon Gomorrah sulphur and fire from Yahweh from the heavens; and He ...
// of genesis volume 1/chapter xix.htm

Sermon at the Fourth Annual Convention of the Brotherhood of St. ...
... After our Civil War, George Peabody, one of our noblest Americans, gave his fortune
for schools in the desolated south. He visited the White Sulphur Springs. ...
// sermons/v sermon at the fourth.htm

Of the Three Woe Trumpets.
... "And thus I saw the horses in appearance, and those who sat on them, having
breast-plates of fire, and hyacinth, and sulphur, and the heads of the horses were ...
/.../mede/a key to the apocalypse/of the three woe trumpets.htm


Sulphur (7 Occurrences)
... Symbol S. Atomic weight 32. The specific gravity of ordinary octohedral sulphur
is 2.05; of prismatic sulphur, 1.96. ...SULPHUR. sul'-fur. See BRIMSTONE. ...
/s/sulphur.htm - 9k

Brimstone (14 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) Sulphur; also passionate, fiery rhetoric or preaching. ... In the vicinity of
the Dead Sea, even at the present time, deposits of sulphur are being formed. ...
/b/brimstone.htm - 14k

Unfaithful (58 Occurrences)
... fornicators, and those who practise magic or worship idols, and all liars--the portion
allotted to them shall be in the Lake which burns with fire and sulphur. ...
/u/unfaithful.htm - 23k

Undiluted (1 Occurrence)
... 14:10 he shall drink the wine of God's anger which stands ready, undiluted, in the
cup of His fury, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the ...
/u/undiluted.htm - 6k

Ore (5 Occurrences)
... iron, lead, etc. Usually the ores contain the metals combined with oxygen,
sulphur, arsenic, etc. (called mineralizers). 3. (n.) A ...
/o/ore.htm - 8k

Fury (152 Occurrences)
... 14:10 he shall drink the wine of God's anger which stands ready, undiluted, in the
cup of His fury, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the ...
/f/fury.htm - 37k

Fornicators (8 Occurrences)
... fornicators, and those who practise magic or worship idols, and all liars--the portion
allotted to them shall be in the Lake which burns with fire and sulphur. ...
/f/fornicators.htm - 9k

Torture (9 Occurrences)
... Revelation 20:10 and the Devil, who had been leading them astray, was thrown into
the Lake of fire and sulphur where the Wild Beast and the false Prophet were ...
/t/torture.htm - 9k

Riders (13 Occurrences)
... of the riders was red, blue and yellow; and the horses' heads were shaped like the
heads of lions, while from their mouths there came fire and smoke and sulphur...
/r/riders.htm - 10k


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