Topical Bible: Youthfulness

Topical Encyclopedia

Youthfulness in the Bible is often associated with vigor, potential, and a time of learning and growth. The Scriptures provide numerous insights into the role and significance of youth, emphasizing both the opportunities and responsibilities that come with this stage of life.

Biblical Examples of Youthfulness

1. David: One of the most notable examples of youthfulness in the Bible is David, who was chosen by God to be king while still a young shepherd boy. His youthful courage and faith are exemplified in his battle against Goliath. In 1 Samuel 17:33, Saul tells David, "You are not able to go out against this Philistine to fight him; you are just a boy, and he has been a warrior from his youth." Despite his youth, David's trust in God led to a great victory for Israel.

2. Timothy: The Apostle Paul’s relationship with Timothy highlights the importance of youth in ministry. Paul encourages Timothy not to be discouraged by his youth, saying, "Let no one despise your youth, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12). This exhortation underscores the potential for young believers to lead and influence others positively.

3. Josiah: King Josiah began his reign at the age of eight and was noted for his righteous reforms in Judah. 2 Kings 22:1-2 describes Josiah as doing "what was right in the eyes of the LORD and walked in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left." His youthful zeal for God led to significant spiritual renewal in the nation.

Characteristics of Youthfulness

· Vigor and Strength: Youth is often associated with physical strength and energy. Proverbs 20:29 states, "The glory of young men is their strength, and gray hair the splendor of the old." This vigor is seen as a gift from God, to be used for His purposes.

· Teachability and Growth: Youth is a time of learning and development. Proverbs 22:6 advises, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." This highlights the importance of instilling godly values and wisdom during the formative years.

· Potential for Leadership: The Bible recognizes the potential for young people to take on significant roles. Jeremiah was called by God as a prophet in his youth, despite his initial hesitations (Jeremiah 1:6-7). God assured him, "Do not say, ‘I am only a child,’ for to everyone I send you, you must go, and all that I command you, you must speak."

Challenges and Warnings

· Foolishness and Impulsiveness: Youth can also be a time of folly and rash decisions. Ecclesiastes 11:9 warns, "Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment." This serves as a reminder of the accountability that accompanies youthful actions.

· Temptations: Young people are often more susceptible to certain temptations. Paul advises Timothy to "flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace" (2 Timothy 2:22). This counsel underscores the need for vigilance and the pursuit of godliness.

Role in the Church and Society

Youthfulness is seen as a vital component of the church and society. Young people bring fresh perspectives, energy, and innovation. The church is encouraged to nurture and guide them, recognizing their potential to contribute significantly to the body of Christ. Joel 2:28 prophesies, "And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." This vision of youth participating in God's work is a powerful testament to their value in His kingdom.


3503. neotes -- youth
... youth. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: neotes Phonetic Spelling:
(neh-ot'-ace) Short Definition: youth, youthfulness Definition: youth ...
// - 6k


To the Magnesians
... In his letter to them Ignatius instructs them on not presuming on the youthfulness
of their bishop, emphasizes the importance of unity and subjection to the ...
/.../ christian fathers/to the magnesians.htm

Colossians iii. 7-May
... be with this one even as with the other, but the reverse: for ever as he farther
advances, he hasteneth not on to old age, but to a youthfulness greater than ...
/.../homily viii colossians iii 7-may.htm

For that Year were My Studies Intermitted: Whilst after My Return ...
... When that my father saw me at the baths, now growing towards manhood, and endued
with a restless youthfulness, he, as already hence anticipating his descendants ...
/.../augustine/the confessions of saint augustine/chapter iii for that year.htm

And Yet, that I May not Seem to have no Opinion on Subjects of ...
... that wise man dread to call the overthrow of the human race, its destruction, ruin,
and death, a renewal of things, and to affirm that a youthfulness, as it ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/8 and yet that i.htm

Concerning his Father, a Freeman of Thagaste, the Assister of his ...
... Moreover when my father, seeing me at the baths, perceived that I was becoming a
man, and was stirred with a restless youthfulness, he, as if from this ...
/.../the confessions and letters of st/chapter iii concerning his father a.htm

The Emperor and Empress
... And, if there was ever a man to be pitied, it was this hapless potentate. There
was no bliss in his youthfulness. He cared for no one, and believed in no one. ...
/.../chapter xviii the emperor and.htm

Concerning "Omnipotent," "Ancient of Days"; and Also Concerning " ...
... And, being at the beginning of the arithmetical series (as youth is at the beginning
of life) it is symbolized (according to D.) by youthfulness. ...
/.../rolt/dionysius the areopagite/chapter x concerning omnipotent ancient.htm

Christ's Saying, "The Father is Greater than I," is Explained in ...
... the Father, then [I answer] here we have no question of age or of time"the Father
is not distinguished by white hairs, nor the Son by youthfulness"and it ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter viii christs saying the.htm

Caleb --A Green Old Age
... to work? And the secret of perpetual youthfulness lies here, in giving our
hearts to God and in living for Him. Christianity, with ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/caleba green old age.htm

Letter xxxi. To Pulcheria Augusta .
... the younger's sister, a woman of noted zeal in the cause of the Church: for many
years she had practically ruled the empire owing to her brother's youthfulness ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/letter xxxi to pulcheria augusta.htm


Youthfulness (1 Occurrence)
... Multi-Version Concordance Youthfulness (1 Occurrence). 1 Timothy 4:12 let
no one despise thy youth, but a pattern become thou of ...
/y/youthfulness.htm - 6k

Youth (169 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (n.) Plural of Youth. 2. (n.) The quality or
state of being young; youthfulness; juvenility. 3. (n.) The ...
/y/youth.htm - 37k


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