ser.6:v.8=no.43-48 (1891) - The Annals and magazine of natural history - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey steamer Investigator, Commander R.F. Hoskyn, R.N., commanding. Series II. No 1. On the results of deep sea dredging during the season 1890-91
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 16, Date 1891
Descriptions of some new species of Chilopoda
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 152, Date 1891
XXI.—On the Molluscan genera Cyclostoma and Pomlitias and the Crinoid genus Comaster and family Comatulidæ
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 176, Date 1891
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 185, Date 1891
The development of the central nervous system of the Pulmonata
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 186, Date 1891
XXIII.—Remarks on the structure of the hand in Pipa and Xenopus
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 193, Date 1891
Descriptions of some new Geophilidae in the collections of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 215, Date 1891
Descriptions of nine new terrestrial and fluviatile molluscs from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 237, Date 1891
Notes on some scorpions collected by Mr. J.J. Walker, with descriptions of two new species and a new genus
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 241, Date 1891
Note on a new and primitive type of compound ascidian
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 265, Date 1891
Eleventh Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of Madagascar
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 287, Date 1891
On new or little known Indian and Malayan reptiles and batrachians
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 288, Date 1891
XXXIX.—Note on Ardeiralla Woodfordi, Grant
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 298, Date 1891
On the development of the blastodermic layers in Isopod Crustacea (Porcellio scaber)
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 333, Date 1891
Remarks on the genus Heterolepis, Smith
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 344, Date 1891
XLVI.—Description of a new European Frog
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 346, Date 1891
XLVII.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer ‘Investigator,’ Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., commanding.—Series II., No. 1. On the results of deep-sea dredging during the season 1890–91
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 353, Date 1891
Description of a new scincoid lizard from North-western Australia
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 405, Date 1891
Note on Hiantopora ferox, MacG., and Cribrilina monoceros, Busk
Ser 6, Vol 8, Page 479, Date 1891