Datoteka:Statue darius.jpg - Wikipedia

  • ️Sat Apr 01 2006

S Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Datoteka:Statue darius.jpg

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Datum/vrijemeSmanjeni pregledDimenzijeKorisnikKomentar
trenutno13:51, 22 juni 2006Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 13:51, 22 juni 2006465 × 1.352 (380 KB)Liquid 2003Recadrage, détourage, correction colorimétrique, redimensionnement
23:55, 9 juni 2006Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 23:55, 9 juni 2006927 × 2.266 (639 KB)Fabienkhan{{Information |Description=Darius statue. discovered in 1972. H (without head):2.36 m. Inscriptions in cuneiform, old persian, akkadian on the right, in hieroglyphs on the left. The statue was made upon the orders of Darius to be placed in Heliopolis (Ato

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