The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of September 30, 1850

  • ️Salvador Miranda
  • ️Thu Jan 01 1998

(21) 13. ROBERTI, Roberto

Birth. December 23, 1788, Monte San Giusto, archdiocese of Fermo. Of an ancient noble family. Son of Count Giovanni Roberti.

Education. (No information found).

Sacred orders. (No information found). He was never ordained a priest. Secretary of Giuseppe Bofondi, auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota and future cardinal. Aiutante di studio of Zacchia, auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, 1829. Counselor at Secondo Turno of the civil congregation of the Apostolic Chamber, 1832-1837. Prelate referendary, November 6, 1837. Voter of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Grace, 1838. Lieutenant and vice-president of the Secondo Turno of the civil tribunal of the Apostolic Chamber, 1839-1841. Lieutenant and vice-president of the criminal tribunal of the Apostolic Chamber, 1842. Apostolic delegate in Perugia, 1843-1844. Under secretary of State for Internal Affairs, February 11, 1845. Protonotary apostolic participantium, 1845. Auditor general of the Apostolic Chamber, 1845-1849. Substitute pf the secretariat for the internal affairs of the State, 1845-1846. Minister of Grace and Justice, 1847 to March 10, 1848. Member of the Governmental Commission under Cardinal Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli, December 1848 to January 1849. Pro-president of Rome and its district, 1849-1850.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of September 30, 1850; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Maria in Domnica, October 3, 1850. President of Rome and its region, 1855-1860. Secretary of Petitions and Memorials, December 17, 1859. Opted for the deaconry of S. Maria ad Martyres, March 16, 1863. He and Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli were the first cardinals who traveled by train.

Death. November 7 (1), 1867. Exposed in the church of S. Maria in Vallicella, Rome; the funeral took place on November 10, 1867 with the participation of Pope Pius IX, and buried, according to his will, in the church of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Rome (2).

Bibliography. "Cardinali defunti", La Gerarchia Cattolica e la Famiglia Pontificia per l'anno 1876, Roma : Tipografia dei Fratelli Monaldi, 1875, p. 128-129; Marino, Giorgio. "Il primo cardinali che viaggiò in treno." Rivista Araldica, LXII (September 1964), pp. 284-287; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi. Volumen VIII (1846-1903). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1979, pp. 11, 54 and 55; Weber, Christoph. Kardinäle und Prälaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten des Kirchenstaates : Elite-Rekrutierung, Karriere-Muster u. soziale Zusammensetzung d. kurialen Führungsschicht zur Zeit Pius' IX. (1846-1878). Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1978. (Päpste und Papsttum; Bd. 13, I-II), II, 513, 537, 545, 566, 612, 614, 617, 619, 639 and 640.

(1) This is according to Ritzler, Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi, VIII, 11, same page note 60, and 55; "Cardinali defunti", La Gerarchia Cattolica e la Famiglia Pontificia per l'anno 1876, p. 129; and Weber, Kardinäle und Prälaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten des Kirchenstaates, II, 513, say that he died on November 6, 1867.
(2) This is the text of the inscription on his funeral monument taken from Marino, "Il primo cardinali che viaggiò in treno." Rivista Araldica, LXII, p. 287: HEIC. IN. PACE. QUIESCIT. ROBERTUS JOANNIS P. ROBERTIUS. DOMO MONTE. S. IUSTI. IN. PICENO. CARDINALIS. SCIENTIA. IURIS. PONTIFICII. ET CIVILIS. PRUDENTIA. IN. REBUS. GERENDIS. PRAESTITIT. DECESS. VII. IDUS. NOV. A. MDCCCLXVII. A. N. P. M. LXXVIII. PAULUS. FRATER. COMES. CUM JOANNE. FILIO. POSUIT. VIRO AMPLISSIMO. DECORI. DOMUS. ET PATRIAE. During the restoration of the church in 1963, the casket was taken out of the crypt and placed on a cataletto of iron with the inscription LOCUS CARDINALIS ROBERTI.


GÓMEZ DE PORTUGAL Y SOLÍS, Juan Cayetano José María

Birth. July 7, 1783, San Pedro Piedra Gorda, Guanajuato, México; in a house situated at the corner of Portugal y Obregón streets. His parents were José Pascual Gómez de Portugal y Franco de Paredes and Francisca de Solís.

Education. At a very young age, he was sent to the Seminary of San José, Guadalajara, to study; obtained a doctorate in theology.

Priesthood. Ordained (no further information found). Pastoral work in the diocese of Michoacán. He was a decided supporter of México's independence and for many years dedicated his talent and activities to the service of his country; he was deputy for Guanajuato to the Congreso de la Unión; senator for the sate of Jalisco; and later, when he was already a bishop, minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs during the government of Antonio López de Santa Anna.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Claudiopoli and appointed apostolic vicar of the diocese of Michoacán (now Morelia), October 19, 1830. Transferred to the see of Michoacán, February 28, 1831. Consecrated, August 21, 1831, church of La Professa, México, by Francisco Pablo Vasquez, bishop of Puebla de los Ángeles. Took possession of the see by proxy on September 29, 1831.

Cardinalate. Pope Pius IX intended to name him a cardinal. In a letter written by Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli, secretary of State, the pope expressed his plan to the bishop. Unfortunately, he died on April 4, 1850, before the letter was received in Morelia. He would have been the first Latin American cardinal.

Death. April 4, 1850, early in the morning, in Michoacán (Morelia). Buried in the cathedral of Michoacán, in front of the altar of the Santos Reyes.

Bibliography. Algunas observaciones sobre la contestación del exmo. sr. ministro de justicia, Dr. D. Andrés López Nava, a la protesta del illmo. sr. obispo de Michoacán. México : Imprenta del Católico dirigida por Mariano Arévalo, 1847; Bravo Ugarte, José. Diócesis y obispos de la Iglesia Mexicana (1519-1965). Con un apéndice de los representantes de la S. Sede en México y viceversa. México : Editorial Jus, 1965 (Colección México heroico, 39). p. 72; Calderón, Cipriano. "El Papel de América Latina en la Nueva Evangelización Rumbo al Tercer Milenio" in Nueva Evangelización Rumbo al Tercer Milenio. V Congreso Internacional de la Reconciliación. Lima: Vida y Espiritualidad, 1996, p. 84; Conducta del reverendo obispo de Michoacan don J. Cayetano Portugal con motivo del destierro que impuso el gobierno de aquel Estado a varios eclesiásticos desafectos al sistema federal. Añádense algunas reflecsiones y varios documentos interesantes. Colección de artí́culos editoriales publicados en el Fénix de la libertad.. México, Impreso por Ignacio Cumplido, 1833; Guzmán Pérez, Moisés. Las relaciones clero-gobierno en Michoacán : la gestión episcopal de Juan Cayetano Gómez de Portugal y Solí, 1831-1850. México, D.F. : LIX Legislatura, Cámara de Diputados, H. Congreso de la Unión, 2005; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi. Volumen VII (1800-1846). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1968, pp. 153 and 259.

Webgraphy. His engraving and biography, in Spanish, Wikipedia; his engraving and biography, in English,; biographical data, in English,; Honras fúnebres del Ilmo. D. Juan Cayetano Portugal, Dignísimo Obispo de Michoacán, verificadas en esta Santa Iglesia Catedral en los días 11 y 12 de noviembre del año de 1850. Morelia, Mich. : Tip. de I. Arango, 1851, Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

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