CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive » Book of Saints – Maximus of Jerusalem


(Saint) Bishop (May 5) (4th century) The successor in the See of Jerusalem of Saint Macarius and the predecessor of Saint Cyril, whom he ordained and to whom he entrusted the instruction of the catechumens. Saint Maximus completed the building of the famous Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. During the persecution at the beginning of the fourth century, Maximus, then only a priest, had had much to suffer; and it was to the honourable wounds then received by Saint Maximus that Saint Paphnutius called the attention of the Bishops assembled at the Council of Tyre, in which Saint Maximus in his simplicity had been made a tool of the enemies of Saint Athanasius. A proof of his Orthodoxy is the fact that he was the first of the Bishops of Palestine to sign the Acts of the Council of Sardica. And on the return of Saint Athanasius from exile Saint Maximus summoned all his Bishops to welcome and to honour the holy Doctor. He died about A.D. 350.

MLA Citation

  • Monks of Ramsgate. “Maximus of Jerusalem”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 22 March 2015. Web. 1 March 2025. <>