CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive » Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint JosephWe turn in our trouble to thee, Blessed Joseph, and after praying for aid from thy Holy Spouse, we seek with confidence thy Patronage also. By the affection that united thee to the Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God; by the fatherly love wherewith thou didst surround the Infant Jesus; we beseech thee to help us to the possession of the heritage that Jesus Christ conquered for us by His Blood, and to aid us by thy power and succour in our need.

Foster, O thou most wise guardian of the Holy Family, the elect people of Jesus Christ. Keep us, O thou most loving father, from every stain of error and corruption. Be favourable and help us from the heights of heaven, O thou our most mighty deliverer, in the fight we must wage against the powers of darkness. And even as thou didst once snatch the Child Jesus from the danger of death, so now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Grant us thy perpetual protection, so that, sustained by thy example and thy help, we may live in holiness, and die in piety, and reach the everlasting blessedness of Heaven. Amen.