International Student Enrollment Data | Center for Global Engagement
Florida State University is home to approximately 2,500 international students from 130 different countries and areas. The international student population at FSU is largely composed of graduate students (78%), many of whom have great contributions to research and teaching. The great majority of our students come from China, Korea, Panama, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, Lebanon, the United Kingdom.
The top 10 fields of study for international students are the Physical Sciences, Engineering, Education, Business and Marketing, Math and Statistics, Visual and Performing Arts, Social Sciences, Computer and Information Sciences, Communication and Journalism and Family, Consumer and Human Sciences
Our students are well accomplished, earning accolades from the university for the high quality of their work on teaching/research, in the arts for their superb performances, creative genius and amazing talent, as well as in the sporting world for their athletic accomplishments.
Open Doors International Educational Exchange Report® is a national report on international student enrollment and study abroad compiled by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and published in November of every year reflecting enrollment data from the previous year. Click through the left column to review data from previous years.