Subscribe to Changelog Nightly

Every night @ 10pm US Central we ship this email that unearths the top new and top starred projects on GitHub before they blow up. No fluff, just repos. Peep yesterday's issue to get an idea of what to expect. 👀

Changelog Nightly

When do you send this email?

Every night at 10pm US Central.

Is my email address safe?

Yes. We're trustworthy.. We take the security and safety of our subscribers very seriously. Our subscriber email addresses are stored securely by our email partner Campaign Monitor and will never be sold, rented, or otherwise shared with any third party. Ever.

How does it work?

Changelog Nightly is open source on GitHub. Check it out.

Is there an archive of past issues?

There's no official archive yet, but you can directly access a specific night's issue by typing in your browser's address bar.

If you're interested in building a cool, browseable archive for fun and/or profit, get in touch!

Is there a light color version of the email?

Yes. Read the full details here.

Can I sponsor Changelog Nightly?

Maybe in the future. In the meantime learn more about our other sponsorship options.