衝動から思想へ : アメリカ保守主義の誕生とハイエク『隷属への道』 | CiNii Research
- ️Tue Mar 05 2013
自由主義に対抗する意味での「保守党」なる政党が創立されたことはないアメリカ合衆国において,ある種の人々が,1940年代から50年代にかけて,自分たちを「アメリカの保守主義者」として意識し,保守主義運動を起こす契機になったのは,フリードリッヒ・A・ハイエクの『隷属への道』(The Road to Serfdom,1944)だった.ハイエクは,ナチスの国家社会主義と同じ風潮が自由主義を生んだ英国を浸食していることに危惧を抱き,自由主義の大義を訴えた.その頃,アメリカでは,1930年代大恐慌期のローズヴェルト政権時代のニューディール政策の社会主義的,統制経済政策が,アメリカ国民にもたらした精神の変質と冷戦期のソ連台頭への危機感に苛立つ人々がいた.彼らは,リベラル左派知識人が指摘するように,「旧家族アメリカ人集団」と,「社会的に地位の向上しつつある人種集団」と「新興の成金集団」という,ある種の劣等感と利己主義からアメリカ建国の理念に固執する社会集団であったのかもしれない.しかし,ともあれ,『隷属への道』は,リベラル左派系知識人が「極右」と軽蔑する人々に,思想的基盤と大義を与えた. The pro-collectivistic, pro-communist and big government-oriented policies that Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought to America during the Great Depression provoked some Americans to oppose the New Deal. They called themselves “American conservatives” in favor of an older liberalism, looking to the American Founders who established traditional American values---limited government, free enterprise, individual freedom and independence. Some liberal and left-wing intellectuals attacked “American conservatives” by saying that the conservative elements in American society could be divided into three groups with some inferiority complex or evil intentions: the old American families who tended to over-emphasize their identification with American traditions, the new Americans, especially Catholic middle-classed people who reacted to their situation of being an ethnic minority through conforming their values to traditional American ones, and newly wealthy individuals who felt aggrieved about social reform measures which involve redistribution of the wealth. Such “American conservatives” (American New Right?) responded enthusiastically to Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, in which he warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably resulted from government control of economic decision-making through central planning. Hayek’s emphasis on self-reliance, the indispensability of the individual, powerful rejection of economic planning helped lay the foundation for an intellectual and political counterrevolution against collectivist orthodoxy of the 20th century among “American conservatives.” In this point, they deserved to be evaluated as “American New Liberalists,” while it should be revealed that “liberals” have been supporting totalitarianism in spite of their good (?) intentions.