日本の「いじめ予防・防止プログラム」の実践研究に関する文献展望 | CiNii Research

  • ️Thu Dec 28 2017


News of bullying-related suicides being reported almost on a daily basis and it is a major problem in the field of education. Different bullying prevention programs have been developed and conducted in educational settings for preventing bullying. Programs including Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP; Olweus, 2007) and KiVa program, among others have been used internationally and have reported good results. These programs are currently being comprehensively utilized. On the other hand, development and conduct of bullying prevention programs in Japan are often left to individual schools, and nationwide systematic programs have not been developed to date. Moreover, in many cases, effects of bullying prevention programs have not been empirically verified. This study analyzed Japanese bullying prevention programs used in educational settings, from the following perspectives: (1) statistical verification of program efficacy, and (2) confirmation of consistency with curriculum guidelines. “confirmation of consistency with curriculum guidelines” means that the practice contents of the practiced bullying prevention program accorded with an aim and the contents such as each subject shown in curriculum guidelines. First, we searched the Internet for the keywords “bullying,” and “programs” in the Japanese literature, and identified 33 articles, which were reviewed. Among the 33 papers, statistical verification of program efficacy was conducted in 15 studies, all of which indicated that the programs were effective. Moreover, 19 papers described subjects and fields in which the programs were practiced. Among the 19 papers, only four described the consistency between practice and contents of subjects and fields. Previous studies might be insufficient in both statistical verification of program efficacy and examining the consistency between programs and learning contents. Therefore, further studies on this topic are required. Future perspectives of Japanese bullying prevention programs are discussed based on these results from following perspective. (1) Developing a program of annual curriculums composed of small plural learning units having statistically established efficacy for bullying prevention. (2) Developing a program that is specifically placed in curriculum guidelines, especially in “moral education,” “integrated studies,” and “special activities,” lessons, which are often used in bullying prevention programs. It is expected that programs for bullying prevention for wide use in Japanese educational settings could be developed based on these perspectives.