MK Connect | On Demand Transport for Milton Keynes
When creating an account, you’ll be prompted to add your credit or debit card information. You will be automatically charged once you’ve completed a ride.
All in 1 MK card bus pass:
You can travel with MK Connect for £1.20 per trip if you have an All in 1 MK card. Just enter your card number (the 18-digit number on the back of your pass card) as a new payment method into the app and you’ll be all set. Don’t forget: you’ll have to show your bus pass card to your driver once you board the vehicle.
Older Person's or Disabled Person's bus pass:
Just enter your bus pass number (the 18-digit number on the back of your pass card) as a new payment method into the app and you’ll be all set. Don’t forget: you’ll have to show your bus pass card to your driver once you board the vehicle. If you’re travelling with someone, you will need to have a credit card on file to pay for the additional passenger, even if they are also a bus pass holder. Only one bus pass can be stored on each account, so any additional passengers must be paid for with a credit or debit card. When two bus pass riders want to ride with MK Connect, each passenger needs to create their own MK Connect account and book individually.