CSEUG 2023 Roundup | Apache CloudStack

  • ️
  • ️Wed May 24 2023

CloudStack European User Group 2023 took place on the 4th May. The event, organised by Apache CloudStack community members was held in Cifas, London.

For those who were not able to attend in-person, the event was live-streamed on Apache CloudStack’s YouTube channel.

The Apache CloudStack community is grateful to the events sponsors for supporting the event and helping make it a reality – ShapeBlue, Your.Online and StorPool.

This blog shares the session recordings and descriptions for those who were not able to attend.


Welcome, Giles Sirett Session description: Giles Sirett, CEO of ShapeBlue and Chairman of CSEUG, gives an outline of what everyone could expect for the day.

What’s new in CloudStack 4.18, Giles Sirett Session description: In this session, Giles Sirett gives an overview of some of the most exciting features and integrations introduced in Apache CloudStack 4.18. Some of these features include edge zones, SDN integration (Tungsten Fabric), autoscaling, managed user data and more.

CloudStack Monitoring, Lucian Burlacu, ShapeBlue Session description: In this session, Lucian Burlacu from ShapeBlue, gives an introduction to monitoring CloudStack, from the hardware up to the stack.

News about LINBIT SDS & CloudStack, Rene Peinthor, LINBIT Session description: In this session, Rene Peinthor from LINBIT, shares the recent updates to the LINSTOR driver. He also shows the results of combining CloudStack & XCP-ng with LINBIT's storage stack.

Re-using old hardware, thus saving money and the environment, Wido den Hollander, Your.Online Session description: Watch the session to learn from Wido Den Hollander - tips and tricks to make use of older hardware for a longer time in your CloudStack environment.

Tungsten Fabric SDN for Core and Edge Zones in ACS, Alexandre Mattioli, ShapeBlue Session description: In this session, Alexandre Mattioli from ShapeBlue shares how Tungsten Fabric allows for richer network topologies in CloudStack without the need for commercial solutions.

A proposal - make changes in Apache CloudStack faster and low risk with vendor CI systems, Boyan Krosnov, Niki Tenev, StorPool Session description: In this session, Boyan Krosnov and Niki Tenev from StorPool share other community's approaches to vendor CI systems, thus sparking the conversation on the future of the Apache CloudStack community's approach.

Dimsi and Backroll : What’s new/next release, Pierre Charton, Pierre de La Ville and Ousmane, Dimsi Session description: In this session, team members from DIMSI, share DIMSI's backroll (KVM guest agent backup) project news and CloudStack plugin release.