1. (v. t.) To bring forward or declare, usually in court; as, to allege a fact\.
2. (v. t.) To cite or quote; as, to allege the authority of a judge.
3. (v. t.) To produce or urge as a reason, plea, or excuse; as, he refused to lend, alleging a resolution against lending.
4. (v. t.) To alleviate; to lighten, as a burden or a trouble.
accuse acknowledge adduce advance affirm announce annunciate argue arraign array article assert assever asseverate attest aver avouch avow bear witness book bring accusation bring charges bring forward bring on bring to bear bring to book certify charge cite claim complain contend declare denounce denunciate deploy depone depose disclose enunciate express fasten on fasten upon finger give evidence hang something on have hold impeach imply impute indict inform against inform on insinuate insist issue a manifesto lay lay charges lay down lodge a complaint lodge a plaint maintain manifesto marshal nuncupate offer pin on plead predicate prefer charges present press charges pretend pretext proclaim produce profess pronounce protest protest too much purport put put it put on report quote rally recite recount rehearse relate report reproach say set down speak speak out speak up stand for stand on state submit swear take to task task taunt with tax testify twit vouch warrant witness