(v. t.) To parcel out in individual portions\; or to distribute to each individual concerned; to assign as a share or lot; to set apart as one's share; to bestow on; to grant; to appoint; as, let every man be contented with that which Providence allots him.
accord administer afford align allocate allow appoint apportion appropriate to array assign assign to award bestow bestow on collocate communicate compose confer deal deal out destine detail dish out dispense dispose distribute divide dole dole out donate earmark equip extend fate fit out fix fork out furnish gift gift with give give freely give out grant hand out heap help to impart issue lavish let have line line up lot make assignments mark off mark out for marshal mete mete out offer ordain parcel out place portion off pour prescribe present proffer rain rally range regiment render reserve restrict restrict to schedule serve set set apart set aside set off set out share out shell out shower slip snow space tag tender vouchsafe yield