(v. t.) See Asseverate.
OK accept accredit acknowledge allege amen announce annunciate approve argue assert assever asseverate attest authenticate authorize autograph aver avouch avow back back up bear out bear witness bolster buttress certify circumstantiate confess confirm contend corroborate cosign countersign declare declare roundly depone depose disclose document endorse enunciate express express the belief fortify give evidence give notice give permission give the go-ahead give the imprimatur give thumbs up guarantee have hold initial insist issue a manifesto issue a statement lay down maintain make a statement make an announcement manifesto notarize nuncupate pass pass on pass upon permit predicate probate proclaim profess pronounce protest prove publish a manifesto put put it quote ratify recite reinforce relate report rubber stamp sanction say say amen to seal second set down sign sign and seal speak speak out speak up stand for stand on state strengthen submit subscribe to substantiate support sustain swear swear and affirm swear to testify undergird undersign underwrite uphold validate verify visa vise vouch vow warrant witness