Bear Up
accost advance afford support approach appropinquate approximate assure back back up be proof against bear bear down on bear down upon bear out bear the brunt bear up against bear up under bolster bolster up brace buoy buoy up buttress carry cheer close close in close with come come closer come forward come near come on come up come up fighting comfort condole with confront console cradle crutch cushion defy draw near draw nigh ease encounter encourage endure finance float float high fund gain upon give comfort give support hang in hang in there hang on hang tough hearten hold hold fast hold on hold out hold up keep keep afloat keep up lend support live through it live with it mainstay maintain narrow the gap near never say die not flag not give up not weaken pillow prop prop up proximate put at ease reassure rebuff reinforce relieve repel repulse resist ride high see it out set at ease shore shore up shoulder sidle up to solace stand stand the gaff stand up stay stay it out stay the distance stay with it step up stick stick it stick it out stick out stick to it stick with it subsidize subvention subventionize support sustain sweat it out sympathize with take it take what comes tough it out underbrace undergird underlie underpin underset upbear uphold upkeep uplift upraise waft withstand