1. (v.) To proclaim or display widely; as to blazon a protest on a billboard\.
2. (n.) An heraldic shield; a coat of arms, or a bearing on a coat of arms; armorial bearings.
3. (n.) The art or act of describing or depicting heraldic bearings in the proper language or manner.
4. (n.) Ostentatious display, either by words or other means; publication; show; description; record.
5. (v. t.) To depict in colors; to display; to exhibit conspicuously; to publish or make public far and wide.
6. (v. t.) To deck; to embellish; to adorn.
7. (v. t.) To describe in proper terms (the figures of heraldic devices); also, to delineate (armorial bearings); to emblazon.
8. (v. i.) To shine; to be conspicuous.
achievement adorn advertise air alerion animal charge announce annulet annunciate argent armorial bearings armory arms array azure bandeau bar bar sinister baton bearings beautify bedeck bedizen bend bend sinister billet blare blare forth blaze blaze abroad blazon about blazon forth blazonry bordure brandish bravura brilliancy broad arrow broadcast bruit about cadency mark canton celebrate chaplet charge chevron chief coat of arms cockatrice color coronet crescent crest cross cross moline crown cry cry out dandify dangle daring dash deck deck out declaim decorate demonstrate demonstration device difference differencing display dizen doll up dramatics dress dress up eagle eclat embellish emblazon embroider enrich ermine ermines erminites erminois escutcheon etalage exhibit exhibition exhibitionism falcon false front fanfaronade fess fess point field fig out figure file fix up flair flanch flash flaunt flaunting fleur-de-lis flourish fret fur furbish fusil garland garnish grace griffin gules gussy up gyron hatchment helmet herald herald abroad heraldic device histrionics hold up honor point impalement impaling inescutcheon label lion lozenge manifest manifestation mantling marshaling martlet mascle metal motto mullet nombril point octofoil or ordinary orle ornament pageant pageantry paint pale paly parade pean pheon prank prank up preen prettify primp primp up prink prink up proclaim promulgate publish purpure put forth put forward quarter quartering redecorate redo refurbish rose sable saltire scutcheon set off set out sham shield shout show showing-off smarten smarten up sound spectacle splash splurge sport spread eagle spruce up staginess subordinary tenne theatrics thunder thunder forth tincture titivate torse tressure trick out trick up trim trumpet trumpet forth unicorn vair vaunt vert wave wreath yale