(n.) A venereal sore or ulcer; specifically, the initial lesion of true syphilis, whether forming a distinct ulcer or not; -- called also hard chancre, indurated chancre, and Hunterian chancre.
French disease Spanish pox VD abscess acquired syphilis aposteme balanitis gangrenosa bed sore blain bleb blister boil bubo bulla bunion canker canker sore carbuncle cerebral tabes chancroid chilblain clap claps climatic bubo cold sore congenital syphilis constitutional syphilis dose dose of clap eschar felon fester festering fever blister fifth venereal disease fistula furuncle furunculus gathering general paresis gonorrhea granuloma inguinale granuloma venereum great pox gumboil hard chancre hemorrhoids kibe latent syphilis lesion locomotor ataxia morbus Gallicus papula papule paralytic dementia paresis paronychia parulis petechia piles pimple pock polyp pox pudendal ulcer pustule rising scab simple chancre social disease soft chancre sore stigma sty suppuration swelling syph syphilis syphilitic meningoencephalitis tabes tabes dorsales tertiary syphilis tropical bubo tubercle ulcer ulceration venereal disease wale welt wheal whelk whitlow wound