

1. (v. i.) To burn with an unsteady or waving flame; as, the candle flares.

2. (v. i.) To shine out with a sudden and unsteady light; to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light.

3. (v. i.) To shine out with gaudy colors; to flaunt; to be offensively bright or showy.

4. (v. i.) To be exposed to too much light.

5. (v. i.) To open or spread outwards; to project beyond the perpendicular; as, the sides of a bowl flare; the bows of a ship flare.

6. (n.) An unsteady, broad, offensive light.

7. (n.) A spreading outward; as, the flare of a fireplace.

8. (n.) Leaf of lard.


Roman candle addition adjunct aggrandizement aid to navigation alarm amber light ampliation amplification anger augmentation backfire bake balefire bang be bright be in heat beacon beacon fire beam bedazzle bell bell buoy black spot blare blast blaze blaze of light blaze up blind blinker bloom blooping blow up blowout blowup blue peter boil boom branch branch out break out brilliance broaden broadening broil bulge buoy burn burst burst forth caution light chafe choke combust cook crescendo cresset dart daze dazzle definition deflagration deploy deployment detonation diffuse light discharge disperse dispersion enlarge enlargement erupt eruption expand expansion explode explosion extend extension facula fan fan out fanning out flambeau flame flame up flaming torch flare up flare-up flash flash fire flicker flush flutter fog bell fog signal fog whistle foghorn fringe area fry fulgurate fulguration fulmination fume fusee gasp ghost give light glance glare gleam gleam of light glimmer glint glow go light gong buoy granulation green light grid hard shadow heliograph high sign hiking image incandesce incandescence increase international alphabet flag international numeral pennant kick leer light link luminosity luster magnification marker beacon multiple image nod noise nudge open open up outburst outspread outstretch overgrow overrun pant parachute flare parch picture picture noise picture shifts pilot flag poke police whistle quarantine flag radiate radiate heat radio beacon rage rain raising ramify red flag red light report roast rocket rolling sailing aid scald scanning pattern scintillation scorch see red seethe semaphore semaphore flag semaphore telegraph send out rays shading shimmer shimmer with heat shine shine brightly shoot shoot out rays sign signal signal beacon signal bell signal fire signal flag signal flare signal gong signal gun signal lamp signal light signal mast signal post signal rocket signal shot signal siren signal tower simmer smolder smother snow snowstorm solar flare solar prominence spar buoy spark splay spraddle sprangle sprawl spread spread like wildfire spread out spreading steam stew stifle stop light suffocate sweat swell swelling swelter the nod the wink toast torch touch traffic light traffic signal unfold upping watch fire white flag widen widening wigwag wigwag flag wink yellow flag