abalienate abandon abstain from accommodate accord act adaptability administer afford agreeability aid air alien alienate allocate allot allow amenability amortize announce apply apportion appropriate articulate ascribe assign assist attach attribute award back off barter be befall bend bendability bequeath bestow bestow on betide betray bounce bounciness break break down breathe broadcast buckle buckle down buoyance buoyancy capitulate cause cave cave in cease cede chance chime chorus chuck clothe collapse come come apart come off come out with commit communicate concede confer consign contribute convey crumple cut out deal deal out dedicate deed deed over deliver demise desist from despair devolve upon devote direct disburse discharge disclose dish out dispense disperse dispose disseminate distribute divide divulge dole dole out donate dose dose with ductibility ductility elasticity emit endow enfeoff enforce upon entrust enunciate equal excess exchange exhale expend expose express extend extendibility extensibility exude facility fail fall out feed fetch fictility fill fill up find flexibility flexility flexuousness fling off fold up force force upon forgo fork out formativeness formulate forsake freeload fund furnish get across get over gift gift with give give away give expression give freely give ground give in give off give out give out with give over give title to give tongue give up give utterance give voice give way give word go grant hand hand down hand on hand out hand over hap heap help help to hold out impart impressionability impute induce inflict inform on introduce invest issue keep lavish lay on lay out lead leak leave off leave word leeway lend let have let out let slip limberness lip litheness liveliness lot maintain make make available make known make over make provision for make public malleability market mete mete out mete out to moldability move negotiate occasion offer out with outlay over pass pass along pass around pass on pass out pass over pay perform persuade phonate phrase place plasticity play pliability pliancy pose pour pour forth prepare prescribe for present produce proffer prompt pronounce