1. (n.) That which happens without human design or forethought; chance; accident; hazard; fortune; fate.
2. (n.) Anything (as a die, pebble, ball, or slip of paper) used in determining a question by chance, or without man's choice or will; as, to cast or draw lots.
3. (n.) The part, or fate, which falls to one, as it were, by chance, or without his planning.
4. (n.) A separate portion; a number of things taken collectively; as, a lot of stationery; -- colloquially, sometimes of people; as, a sorry lot; a bad lot.
5. (n.) A distinct portion or plot of land, usually smaller than a field; as, a building lot in a city.
6. (n.) A large quantity or number; a great deal; as, to spend a lot of money; lots of people think so.
7. (n.) A prize in a lottery.
8. (v. t.) To allot; to sort; to portion.
A to Z A to izzard Friday Friday the thirteenth a mass of a world of abundance accidentality acres actuarial calculation adventitiousness affluence aggregate aggregation all all and sundry allocate allot allotment allow allowance alpha and omega amount ample sufficiency ampleness amplitude appoint appointed lot apportion appropriate to army array assemblage assign assign to astral influences astrology avalanche bank barrel batch be-all be-all and end-all bearings beginning and end bevy big end bigger half bit bite block blood board lot body bonanza book of fate bountifulness bountiousness brand break breed budget build on bumper crop bunch bundle calculate call case cast cast lots casualness chance character chattels real chunk circle circumstance clan clearing clos close cloud clump cluster clutch clutter color commission complement condition conglomerate conglomeration considerable constellation contingent copiousness copse count count on covey croft crop crowd cup cut cut lots cut the cards deal decree demesne denomination depend description designation destination destine destiny detail dies funestis dividend dole domain doom dose draw lots draw straws dummy share each and every earmark enclave end equal share estate even lot everything extravagance exuberance fatality fate feather fertility field fix flight flock flocks flood flow flukiness foison footing foredoom foreordination form fortuitousness fortuity fortune forty fractional lot frontage full lot full measure fullness future gamble game generosity generousness genre genus give gob gobs good deal good fortune good luck grain great abundance great deal great plenty grounds group grouping groupment grove gush hail half halver hap happenstance happy chance hassock heap heaps heedless hap helping hive holding holdings honor host how they fall hunk ides of March ilk indeterminacy indeterminateness inevitability interest jam kidney kin kind kismet knot kraal label land landed property lands landslide large amount lashings lavishness law of averages legion length and breadth liberality liberalness line loads location lots luck lump luxuriance make make assignments making manner manor many mark mark off mark out for mass masses of match coins maximum measure meed mess