

1. (n.) The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding, grinding, or triturating, or into which it falls by decay; dust.

2. (n.) An explosive mixture used in gunnery, blasting, etc.; gunpowder. See Gunpowder.

3. (v. t.) To reduce to fine particles; to pound, grind, or rub into a powder; to comminute; to pulverize; to triturate.

4. (v. t.) To sprinkle with powder, or as with powder; to be sprinkle; as, to powder the hair.

5. (v. t.) To sprinkle with salt; to corn, as meat.

6. (v. i.) To be reduced to powder; to become like powder; as, some salts powder easily.

7. (v. i.) To use powder on the hair or skin; as, she paints and powders.


Ballistite TNT abrade abscond absquatulate air pollution atomize attritus balm balsam base beat besprinkle bran bray bread break up brecciate buck cellulose nitrate clown white coat cold cream come to dust comminute compact contriturate cordite cosmetics cosmic dust cover crumb crumble crumble into dust crumble to dust crush decamp disappear disintegrate dog it dot dredge drops drug drugstore complexion dust dust ball dynamite effloresce efflorescence electuary elixir escape ethical drug explosive eye shadow eyebrow pencil fall to dust fall to pieces fallout farina filings flour foundation foundation cream fragment generic name grain granulate granulize grate greasepaint grind grind to powder grits groats gunpowder hand cream hand lotion herbs high explosive inhalant kittens lam levigate lincture linctus lint lip rouge lipstick make off makeup mascara mash materia medica meal medicament medication medicinal medicinal herbs medicine melinite mill mixture mudpack nail polish nitrocotton nitroglycerin nonprescription drug officinal paint patent medicine pepper pestle pharmacon physic plastic explosive pound powder puff preparation prescription drug proprietary proprietary medicine proprietary name puff pulverize pussies raspings reduce to powder rouge run away sawdust scrunch shard shred simples skedaddle skip skip out smash smokeless powder smut soot spatter speck speckle splatter split spot sprinkle squash stud syrup take a powder take off talc talcum talcum powder theraputant tisane trinitrotoluol triturate vanish vanishing cream vanity case vegetable remedies villanous saltpetre war paint