

1. (n.) Wanton or unrestrained behavior; uproar; tumult.

2. (n.) Excessive and expensive feasting; wild and loose festivity; revelry.

3. (n.) The tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by an unlawful assembly of three or more persons in the execution of some private object.

4. (v. i.) To engage in riot; to act in an unrestrained or wanton manner; to indulge in excess of luxury, feasting, or the like; to revel; to run riot; to go to excess.

5. (v. i.) To disturb the peace; to raise an uproar or sedition. See Riot, n., 3.

6. (v. t.) To spend or pass in riot.


abundance ado affluence affray ample sufficiency ampleness amplitude anarchism anarchy arise assault attack avalanche barbarize batter battering battle belly laugh best seller big hit blue story bonanza bother bountifulness bountiousness box brawl brilliant success broil brouhaha brutalize bud bumper crop burgeon burn burst forth butcher butchery carouse carry on civil disorder clash close collide combat come to blows comedian comedienne commotion contend contest copiousness create a disturbance create a riot cut and thrust cut loose destroy dirty joke dirty story disorderliness disruption distemper disturbance do donnybrook donnybrook fair double entendre duel dustup embroilment emeute ethnic joke exchange blows extravagance exuberance fad fence fertility feud fight fight a duel flood flourish flow foison foofaraw forcible seizure fracas fray free-for-all frolic full measure fullness fun funny story fuss gag gas gasser gemmate general uprising generosity generousness germinate give and take give satisfaction go berserk go on good one good story grapple grapple with great abundance great plenty great success grow grow rank gush hammer hassle hell helter-skelter hit howl howler hubbub imbroglio insurge insurgence insurgency insurrect insurrection jacquerie jape jest jestbook joke jostle joust killing knock-down-and-drag-out landslide laugh lavishness lawlessness lay waste laying waste leaf leaf out leave levee en masse liberality liberalness loot looting lots luxuriance luxuriate make a commotion make an ado make trouble massacre maul maximum melee meteoric success misrule mix it up momentary success more than enough mount the barricades much mug mutineer mutiny myriad myriads numerousness obstreperousness onslaught opulence opulency outbreak outburst outpouring overflow overgrow overrun overthrow pandemonium panic peasant revolt pell-mell pillage pillaging play plenitude plenteousness plentifulness plenty point pother prevalence prodigality productiveness profuseness profusion pullulate put forth put forth leaves put out buds putsch quantities quarrel racket rage raise a ruckus raise a rumpus raise a storm ramp rampage rant rape rassle rave rebel rebellion reluct reluctate repleteness repletion resounding triumph revolt revolute revolution revolutionize rib tickler rich harvest rich vein richness rioting riotousness rise rise up rising roar roaring success roil roister root rough-and-tumble roughhouse row ruckus