1. (n.) A flat tablet or ledge of any material set horizontally at a distance from the floor, to hold objects of use or ornament.
2. (n.) A sand bank in the sea, or a rock, or ledge of rocks, rendering the water shallow, and dangerous to ships.
3. (n.) A stratum lying in a very even manner; a flat, projecting layer of rock.
4. (n.) A piece of timber running the whole length of a vessel inside the timberheads.
archives armory arsenal attic band bank bar basement bay beam-end bed bedding belt bin bonded warehouse bookcase box bunker buttery cargo dock cellar chest closet conservatory coral reef corbel couche course crate crib cupboard deck depository depot dock drawer dump exchequer flat floor ford gallery glory hole godown gradin gradino hob hold hutch layer ledge level library locker lumber room lumberyard magasin magazine mantel mantelshelf measures overlayer overstory predella rack reef repertory repository reservoir retable rick sandbank sandbar seam shallow shallows shoal shoal water shoulder stack stack room stage step stock room storage store storehouse storeroom story stratum substratum superaltar superstratum supply base supply depot tank thickness tidal flats tier topsoil treasure house treasure room treasury underlayer understory understratum vat vault warehouse wetlands wine cellar zone