Side Dish
abscess agitation antisepticize aposteme autoclave bake barbecue baste be in heat be livid be pissed bed sore blain blanch blaze bleb blister bloom blow up blubber bluster bobbery boil over boiling bolt braise brew bristle broil brouhaha brown browned off bubble bubble over bubble up bubo bulla bump bunion burble burn bustle canker canker sore carbuncle carry on casserole chafe chancre chancroid charge chase chilblain chlorinate choke churn coction coddle cold sore combust commotion conturbation cook corn course cover culinary masterpiece culinary preparation curry cyst dash decoct decoction decontaminate delouse devil dilatation dilation discomposure dish disinfect disorder disquiet disquietude distension distill disturbance do do to perfection ebullience ebulliency ebulliometer ebullition edema effervesce embroilment entree eschar excitement felon ferment fermentation fester festering fever fever blister feverishness fidgets fire fistula fizz fizzle flame flame up flap flare flare up flicker fling flurry flush fluster flutteration foam foment fret fricassee frizz frizzle fry fulminate fume fumigate furuncle furunculus fuss gasp gathering glow go on griddle grill guggle gumboil gurgle have a conniption heat hemorrhoids hiss hubbub hurly-burly hygienize incandesce inquietude intumescence jitters jumpiness kibe lash lesion lump maelstrom main dish malaise moil nerviness nervosity nervousness oven-bake pan pan-broil pant papula papule parboil parch paronychia parulis pasteurize perturbation petechia piles pimple pissed off plop poach pock polyp prepare prepare food pustule race radiate heat rage raise Cain raise hell raise the devil raise the roof rant rant and rave rave restlessness rising roast roil rout row sanitate sanitize saute scab scald scallop scorch sear sebaceous cyst seethe seething shimmer with heat shirr shoot side dish simmer simmering sizzle smoke smolder smother smoulder soft chancre sore spark sparkle splutter sputter steam sterilize stew stewing stifle stigma stir stir-fry storm sty suffocate suppuration sweat swell swelling swelter swirl swollenness take on