1. (n.) The adult male of the red deer (Cervus elaphus), a large European species closely related to the American elk, or wapiti.
2. (n.) The male of certain other species of large deer.
3. (n.) A colt, or filly; also, a romping girl.
4. (n.) A castrated bull; -- called also bull stag, and bull seg.
5. (n.) An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a member of the exchange.
6. (n.) One who applies for the allotment of shares in new projects, with a view to sell immediately at a premium, and not to hold the stock.
7. (n.) The European wren.
8. (v. i.) To act as a stag, or irregular dealer in stocks.
9. (v. t.) To watch; to dog, or keep track of.
Cape elk Kaffeeklatsch Virginia deer adventurer antelope ball big operator billy billy goat blowout boar broad jumper bubbly-jock buck bucking bronco buckjumper bull bullock camel camelopard caribou chanticleer cock cockerel cocktail party coffee klatch costume party deer deerlet dinner dinner party doe dog donation party drake dromedary eland elk entertainment entire entire horse fallow deer fawn festivity flea frog gander garden party gazelle giraffe gnu goat gobbler grasshopper gunslinger hart hartebeest he-goat hen party high jumper hind hopper house party house-raising housewarming hurdle racer hurdler jackrabbit jumper jumping bean jumping jack kaama kangaroo lame duck lawn party leaper margin purchaser mask masque masquerade masquerade party moose mule deer musk deer okapi operator party peacock plunger pole vaulter ram red deer reindeer roe roe deer roebuck rooster salmon scalper shindig shindy shower smart operator smoker speculator springbok stag party stallion steer stot stud studhorse sunfisher surprise party timber topper tom tom turkey tomcat top cow top horse tup turkey gobbler turkey-cock vaulter wether wildebeest