1. (n.) One who trims, arranges, fits, or ornaments.
2. (n.) One who does not adopt extreme opinions in politics, or the like; one who fluctuates between parties, so as to appear to favor each; a timeserver.
3. (n.) An instrument with which trimming is done.
4. (n.) A beam, into which are framed the ends of headers in floor framing, as when a hole is to be left for stairs, or to avoid bringing joists near chimneys, and the like.
Middle American Philistine anal character arriviste boeotian boob boor bounder bourgeois burgher cad churl clown compulsive character conformer conformist conventionalist epicier formalist groundling guttersnipe hooligan ill-bred fellow looby lout low fellow methodologist middle-class type middlebrow model child mucker nouveau riche organization man parrot parvenu peasant pedant perfectionist plastic person precisian precisianist ribald rough roughneck rowdy ruffian sheep square teenybopper trimmer upstart vulgarian vulgarist yes-man yokel