2004 Indian Ocean earthquake - Wikimedia Commons

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العربية: زلزال المحيط الهندي في 26 ديسمبر/كانون الأول عام 2004م, أنظر أيضاً إلى تسونامي

Català: El terratrèmol i tsunami de l'Oceà Ïndic de 2004. Veure també: Tsunami, Placa tectònica.

English: The earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean area. See also: Tsunami, Tectonic plate

Español: El Terremoto y tsunami del Océano Índico de 2004. Véase también: Tsunami, Placa tectónica.

Français : Le tremblement de terre et tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 dans l'Océan Indien. Voir aussi : tsunami et plaques tectoniques.

日本語: 2004年12月26日にインド洋で起こった地震スマトラ島沖地震とそれに伴う津波の画像。津波, プレートも参照。

Svenska: Jordbävningen och tsunamin den 26 december 2004 i Indiska Oceanen. Se även: Tsunami, Tektonisk platta.


  • The countries most affected by the quake.

    The countries most affected by the quake.

  • Epicenters and aftershocks - in English

    Epicenters and aftershocks - in English

  • Epicentres et répliques - in French

    Epicentres et répliques - in French

  • Tectonics - in French

    Tectonics - in French

  • Indischer Ozean, Kontinentalplatten, betroffene Gebiete und Orte (de)

    Indischer Ozean, Kontinentalplatten, betroffene Gebiete und Orte (de)

  • Indian Ocean, tectonic plates, affected regions and places (en)

    Indian Ocean, tectonic plates, affected regions and places (en)

The animations shown as a thumb are sometimes sized in a wrong way. These animations should be used as a frame, or full size.


This image was created by [1] archive copy at the Wayback Machine (Kenji Satake) at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan, and linked to from the [2] archive copy at the Wayback Machine ( page) about this earthquake.

Damage in Chennai, India


Chennai: three months after the tsunami (Marina Beach, March 2005)


  • PNG file

    PNG file

  • Beached Boat in Galle

    Beached Boat in Galle

  • Destroyed House in Hambantota

    Destroyed House in Hambantota

  • Victims in Matara

    Victims in Matara

  • Rubble at Patong Beach in Phuket, Thailand. December 27, 2004

    Rubble at Patong Beach in Phuket, Thailand. December 27, 2004

  • A picture of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand

    A picture of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand

  • Lowest level of the water at Kato Noi Beach

    Lowest level of the water at Kato Noi Beach

  • Highest peak of water during the tsunami at Kato Noi Beach

    Highest peak of water during the tsunami at Kato Noi Beach

  • Regular water level at Kato Noi Beach

    Regular water level at Kato Noi Beach

  • Satellite photo of eastcoast, India flooded from tsunami, December 26, 2004

    Satellite photo of eastcoast, India flooded from tsunami, December 26, 2004