AR-15 - Wikimedia Commons

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Deutsch: Die AR-15 ist ein Selbstlader, der die Zivilversion des M16 darstellt.

English: The AR-15 semi-automatic rifle is the civilian version of the M16 rifle, the standard US Military assault rifle.


日本語: AR-15半自動式ライフルはアメリカ陸軍の制式アサルトライフルであるM16の民間版である。

  • Colt AR-15 Sporter SP1 Carbine

    Colt AR-15 Sporter SP1 Carbine

  • AR-15 with thumbhole stock.

    AR-15 with thumbhole stock.

  • Sight


  • Colt AR-15 A3 Tactical Carbine. Rifle is shown with a CQB Tactical Sling and a Colt 4x20 scope

    Colt AR-15 A3 Tactical Carbine. Rifle is shown with a CQB Tactical Sling and a Colt 4x20 scope

  • A California-legal AR-15 clone (FAR-15) with a 10 round magazine. Other notable features include permanently fixed flash hider, bullet button, collapsible stock & CompM4(M68) mounted on the top rail.

    A California-legal AR-15 clone (FAR-15) with a 10 round magazine. Other notable features include permanently fixed flash hider, bullet button, collapsible stock & CompM4(M68) mounted on the top rail.