Category:Bird feeding - Wikimedia Commons
- ️Sun Jan 10 2021
The following 132 files are in this category, out of 132 total.
'Eendjes voeren' Korte Vijverberg Den Haag (4963962999).jpg
681 × 1,024; 249 KB
2018 Warszawa Ogród Krasińskich, 5.jpg
4,320 × 3,240; 5.62 MB
2021-01-10 12-01-50 ILCE-6500 DSC01290 DxO (50953795136).jpg
2,809 × 4,337; 2.8 MB
A common sparrow.jpg
2,091 × 1,416; 1.66 MB
A Tufted Titmouse and a Carolina Chickadee feeding off of bird feeder.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 4.32 MB
Alisterus scapularis -Victoria, Australia -adult male-8.jpg
2,257 × 1,502; 1.78 MB
Articles about birds from National geographic magazine ((19-?)-(193-?)) (20799906635).jpg
2,360 × 1,510; 1.09 MB
Asian Koel eating cooked rice in Chennai.jpg
3,888 × 2,592; 3.45 MB
Balanced diet.jpg
3,859 × 2,171; 657 KB
Bird feeding - Margaret Island.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 4.88 MB
Bird feeding India.jpg
2,695 × 1,806; 1.87 MB
3,888 × 2,592; 4.53 MB
Black-capped Chickadee eating seed.jpg
1,600 × 1,266; 303 KB
Blue tit flying dtab.jpg
1,800 × 1,200; 1.42 MB
Bluejay takeoff.jpg
5,184 × 3,456; 4.43 MB
Busy birdfeeders.jpg
1,024 × 833; 765 KB
Cacatua galerita eating.jpg
3,552 × 3,562; 5.94 MB
Carolina Chickadee feeding off of bird feeder.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 4.64 MB
Castle Peacock, Lisbon - Apr 2011.jpg
4,288 × 2,848; 5.56 MB
3,000 × 1,999; 553 KB
Christmas day breakfast (Unsplash).jpg
6,016 × 4,000; 1.75 MB
Coracopsis vasa Masoala-Halle.jpg
3,848 × 3,085; 655 KB
Dendrocopos minor 291108.jpg
768 × 1,024; 233 KB
Ducks in Nainital.jpg
3,056 × 1,967; 683 KB
Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius)4 -bird feeder.jpg
1,261 × 858; 543 KB
Esplanade Sandgate, Queensland.jpg
3,264 × 2,448; 2.27 MB
Eubucco bourcierii DT -P Los Bancos- (1) (20670615519).jpg
800 × 533; 56 KB
Eubucco bourcierii DT -P Los Bancos- (2) (20831084686).jpg
800 × 533; 79 KB
European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) -two on birdfeeder.jpg
1,364 × 1,774; 272 KB
Explore , July 23, 2009 (^331) - Flickr - jimpg2 2015.jpg
1,790 × 1,663; 564 KB
Feeding Pelicans at Clontarf boat ramp-06 (7818072642).jpg
1,792 × 1,133; 441 KB
Feeding pigeon.jpg
3,504 × 2,336; 1.5 MB
Feeding pigeons - daily chore for a 19 years old Egyptian girl.jpg
1,870 × 2,494; 731 KB
Feeding the Geese (2432597901).jpg
2,480 × 1,860; 1.78 MB
Feeding Time at Lake Zurich.jpg
5,760 × 3,840; 26.89 MB
Feeding to pigeons.jpg
4,000 × 2,250; 4.74 MB
Feeding to pigeons1.jpg
4,000 × 2,250; 4.42 MB
Female purple rumped sunbird feeding its chick a spider.JPG
5,184 × 3,456; 6.17 MB
File by Alexander Baranov - . (6858167302).jpg
2,544 × 1,696; 3.36 MB
Finches at Winter Feeder, watercolor and gouache by Sally Wickham Mollomo.jpg
2,493 × 1,929; 1.76 MB
Flash! (14678019822).jpg
1,680 × 1,284; 1.27 MB
Food to Ploceus cucullatus at Skansen spring 2008.JPG
2,592 × 1,952; 2.08 MB
Bird feeding, sculpture Fortepan 85024.jpg
3,629 × 4,861; 11.3 MB
Blaha Lujza tér. Fortepan 87291.jpg
3,112 × 1,961; 1.62 MB
Swan, bird feeding Fortepan 94497.jpg
5,637 × 3,622; 11.6 MB
Fågelbord med havregryn och jordnötter.jpg
1,467 × 1,111; 1.28 MB
Fågelmatning - Ystad-2016.jpg
1,500 × 666; 861 KB
Gelsenkirchen - Zoom - Asien - Ente 04 ies.jpg
3,888 × 2,592; 3.62 MB
Gelsenkirchen - Zoom - Asien - Lonchura oryzivora 01 ies.jpg
3,888 × 2,592; 1.8 MB
Gelsenkirchen - Zoom - Asien - Lonchura oryzivora 02 ies.jpg
3,888 × 2,592; 1.8 MB
Girl feeding geese at Hermann Park.jpg
6,000 × 4,000; 13.66 MB
Grey Cat-birds feast.jpg
756 × 510; 326 KB
Hafen Riesbach - Seefeldquai 2011-10-28 16-33-00.JPG
4,288 × 2,848; 3.79 MB
HD Vogelfutterhäuschen 2012.JPG
2,736 × 3,648; 4.32 MB
Hen feeding its newly born chicks.jpg
540 × 960; 375 KB
Hill swallow IMG 6296.jpg
3,240 × 2,028; 1.5 MB
House Sparrow 8112.jpg
3,693 × 2,462; 5.86 MB
Hungry Birds (from the Christmas Number of "The Graphic") MET DP861777.jpg
3,759 × 2,600; 3.9 MB
Juvenile Alpine Chough demanding food from parent.jpg
6,000 × 4,000; 5.78 MB
Juvenile magpies in Germany.JPG
3,456 × 2,592; 5.86 MB
Język śląski w Rybniku - Niy futruj ptokōw chlebym 01.jpg
4,000 × 6,000; 7.07 MB
Krmení emu hnědých.jpg
2,000 × 1,333; 288 KB
Lindude toitmisega kaasneb mitmeid probleeme.jpg
2,816 × 1,880; 1,021 KB
Male Elvira cupreiceps at feeder - closeup.jpg
2,530 × 1,575; 1.25 MB
Male Elvira cupreiceps at feeder.jpg
3,888 × 2,592; 3.65 MB
Matsushima seagulls (107162782).jpg
2,364 × 1,607; 282 KB
Melanerpes pucherani DT -P Los Bancos- (1) (20671072308).jpg
800 × 533; 87 KB
Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula Merida - Palomitas.jpg
2,327 × 3,113; 2.59 MB
Mitrospingus cassinii DT -P Otongachi- (13)a (20849447812).jpg
800 × 533; 54 KB
Mitrospingus cassinii DT -P Otongachi- (4)a (20866234681).jpg
800 × 533; 63 KB
Mourning Dove eating seeds off ground.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 5.1 MB
1,113 × 1,085; 60 KB
Museo del Prado (34980730786).jpg
4,608 × 3,072; 7.31 MB
Museo del Prado (34980734486).jpg
4,608 × 3,072; 7.31 MB
Museo del Prado (34980738936).jpg
4,608 × 3,072; 7.24 MB
Parrots daily diet (6780662006).jpg
4,000 × 2,256; 1.19 MB
Parrots eating their daily diet (6926795125).jpg
4,000 × 2,256; 2.42 MB
Preparing the parrots food (6780651012).jpg
4,000 × 2,256; 1.4 MB
Psittacidae spp DT -S Yanacocha- (1) (20683570878).jpg
800 × 533; 90 KB
Rainbow Lorikeets drinking ginger beer from a paper straw.jpg
4,000 × 1,800; 2.15 MB
Ramphocelus flammigerus (Toche asomacandela) (16427297096).jpg
3,476 × 2,351; 2.33 MB
Ramphocelus flammigerus (Toche asomacandela) (16451549491).jpg
3,341 × 2,281; 2.27 MB
Ramphocelus flammigerus (Toche asomacandela) - Hembra - Flickr - Alejandro Bayer.jpg
3,116 × 2,249; 2.7 MB
Rangún, fachada.jpg
3,872 × 2,620; 8.58 MB
Rosa Abend - panoramio.jpg
3,648 × 2,736; 3.82 MB
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (8575465794).jpg
1,200 × 900; 247 KB
Rödhake och Grönsiska på Fågelmatning.jpg
2,416 × 1,584; 2.15 MB
San Diego Zoo 77 2016-06-10.jpg
3,024 × 4,032; 4.63 MB
Seagul Brighton-eating.jpg
1,280 × 960; 284 KB
Seefeldquai - Hafen Riesbach 2011-10-28 16-34-14.JPG
2,848 × 4,288; 6.3 MB
Skjære-Petter. - L0017 298Fo30141604260097.jpg
7,282 × 7,294; 24.08 MB
Skjære-Petter. - L0017 298Fo30141604260100.jpg
7,282 × 7,294; 23.1 MB
Skjære-Petter. - L0017 298Fo30141604260101.jpg
7,282 × 7,294; 23.36 MB
Skjære-Petter. - L0017 298Fo30141604260102.jpg
7,282 × 7,062; 22.53 MB
Sliapianka water system (Minsk, Belarus) — birds 14.jpg
5,472 × 3,648; 3.79 MB
Sofia Feeding Chickadee.jpg
2,268 × 2,713; 178 KB
Stand (5160880811).jpg
3,648 × 2,736; 6.63 MB
Stand (5161481726).jpg
3,648 × 2,736; 3.85 MB
Studenterlund - no-nb digifoto 20141209 00039 NB MIT FNR 20762.jpg
5,410 × 7,210; 1.51 MB
Tasty treats for millerbirds (7033582365).jpg
823 × 687; 241 KB
Texel - Marsdiep - Ferry 'Dokter Wagemaker' - View West I.jpg
6,048 × 4,032; 17.79 MB
Texel - Marsdiep - Ferry 'Dokter Wagemaker' - View West II.jpg
6,048 × 4,032; 16.51 MB
Texel - Marsdiep - Ferry 'Dokter Wagemaker' - View WNW.jpg
6,048 × 4,032; 14.38 MB
Thraupis episcopus DT -P Los Bancos- (1) (20743221360).jpg
800 × 533; 83 KB
Tufted Titmouse feeding off of bird feeder.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 4.37 MB
Tufted Titmouse with a seed (31582091836).jpg
4,928 × 3,264; 1.67 MB
Twenty eight 2 gnangarra.jpg
2,576 × 1,932; 1.61 MB
Twenty eight free feed gnangarra.jpg
2,576 × 1,932; 2.07 MB
Twenty eight gnangarra.jpg
2,576 × 1,932; 1.26 MB
Twisty Feed.jpg
1,400 × 934; 1.22 MB
2,464 × 1,552; 1,018 KB
480 × 640; 172 KB
Vrabec Praha2010.jpg
2,000 × 1,514; 1.61 MB
White browed bul-bul at spring season.jpg
4,608 × 3,072; 5.65 MB
White-eye comes to half-cut Orange (342284895).jpg
1,280 × 1,024; 494 KB
Winter Cardinal, watercolor by Sally Wickham Mollomo.jpg
2,540 × 1,760; 1.41 MB
Woman feeding birds(GN11951).jpg
3,264 × 2,448; 1,019 KB
XT1F1849 Portugal Madeira Funchal 08'2015 (21024113430).jpg
1,980 × 1,320; 2.39 MB
Zealand 2015-11-01 (23427748765).jpg
3,888 × 2,680; 1,019 KB
Übersicht Vogelschutzgeräte (Vogelhäuschen) an Waldlehrpfad DSCF0540.JPG
3,488 × 2,616; 4.39 MB
Ładny ptaszek - panoramio.jpg
2,288 × 1,712; 2.09 MB
Кормушка для птиц "Соблюдай заповеди" в заповеднике "Столбы".jpg
1,536 × 2,048; 1,021 KB
Подкормка для птиц из пшена и семечек.jpg
4,896 × 3,672; 5.16 MB
はと (13942659839).jpg
3,840 × 2,160; 5.69 MB
ユリカモメ (Black-headed Gull) (6665809041).jpg
846 × 634; 151 KB
天橋立・伊根 (43043535715).jpg
4,928 × 3,264; 6.41 MB
餌場 (8684208992).jpg
1,854 × 1,163; 750 KB