Category:History of China - Wikimedia Commons
- ️Mon Sep 20 1943
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 346 total.
"Domesticated Yak" with page 242 text, from- The Middle Kingdom (page 242 crop).jpg
1,182 × 1,896; 484 KB
"History of China" for template heading (right-to-left).svg
512 × 121; 34 KB
"History of China" for template heading.svg
512 × 121; 34 KB
1186878185 l.jpg
640 × 426; 172 KB
1186935266 l.jpg
640 × 426; 272 KB
222 × 384; 182 KB
1915, Jade Mountain.jpg
5,475 × 3,581; 8.81 MB
1929 广东惠州西湖:东坡洗砚池.jpg
572 × 424; 94 KB
1929 张家口牌楼.jpg
706 × 479; 62 KB
1930 无锡吴桥.jpg
396 × 543; 82 KB
1937 二十九军在卢沟桥头向侵略者的还击.jpg
972 × 719; 180 KB
1937 卢沟晓月 石碑亭.jpg
488 × 380; 71 KB
1937 卢沟桥的守军.jpg
1,233 × 1,663; 298 KB
1937 广九线名胜:惠州:惠州西湖全景.jpg
871 × 337; 82 KB
1937 惠州西湖圆通桥.jpg
596 × 379; 71 KB
1937 惠州西湖朝云墓.jpg
394 × 585; 78 KB
1947年 陈建新、黄世民、郦伯瑾三人,判处七年徒刑.png
487 × 305; 188 KB
931. Čína. Čínský dopravní prostředek.jpg
4,121 × 2,155; 3.75 MB
A 18th century Nanjing ship or sand ship from Tosen no Zu.jpg
501 × 340; 103 KB
A gongbei sufi saints tomb at Pingliang Gansu.jpg
905 × 605; 128 KB
A New Compilation of Events from the Xuanhe Period WDL7101.jpg
1,106 × 1,024; 200 KB
A diary of Chinese husbandry, from observations made at Chusan in 1843-44 ... (IA b28708696).pdf
802 × 1,320, 42 pages; 1.25 MB
Banque Industrielle de Chine 1913.jpg
4,002 × 3,342; 4.63 MB
Banque Industrielle de Chine 1920.jpg
2,507 × 2,205; 1.41 MB
Billete chino 1 guan.JPG
2,448 × 3,264; 1.77 MB
Bitllet Ming 1375 - Museu de Prehistòria de València.jpg
1,208 × 1,827; 1.73 MB
Bitllet xinès - Museu de Prehistòria de València.jpg
3,456 × 4,608; 5.33 MB
Bronze coin of Contantius II 337 361 found in Karghalik.jpg
1,161 × 1,162; 781 KB
Burglars at the store.jpg
322 × 500; 82 KB
Cao quan bei.jpg
875 × 1,598; 173 KB
Chen Yi in 1947.jpg
356 × 456; 37 KB
Childe, Thomas - Sternwarte, Peking (Zeno Fotografie).jpg
2,536 × 1,937; 638 KB
China and the Roman Orient.jpg
700 × 1,206; 55 KB
China go1.png
421 × 421; 8 KB
China Mechanical Clock.jpg
360 × 501; 38 KB
Chinese civilization.jpg
1,196 × 648; 125 KB
Chinese Dynasty 1.5.png
1,441 × 12,189; 415 KB
Chinese Dynasty 1.png
1,441 × 10,583; 373 KB
Chinese Dynasty 2.3.png
1,441 × 12,518; 1.05 MB
Chinese Dynasty 2.5.png
1,441 × 9,285; 304 KB
Chinese Dynasty 2.png
1,440 × 6,051; 304 KB
Chinese Dynasty 3.png
1,440 × 8,757; 458 KB
Chinese Dynasty 4.5.png
1,440 × 8,558; 379 KB
Chinese Dynasty 4.png
1,440 × 7,943; 403 KB
Chinese Dynasty 5.png
1,441 × 14,191; 574 KB
Chinese Dynasty Five Dynasties and Northern Song.png
2,808 × 4,379; 582 KB
Chinese Dynasty Ming-Qing.png
2,737 × 11,947; 1.04 MB
Chinese Dynasty Ming-Qing2.png
2,809 × 11,947; 940 KB
Chinese Dynasty Southern Song.png
2,808 × 5,893; 590 KB
Chinese Fur traders (1).jpg
3,871 × 2,791; 1.02 MB
Chinese Fur traders (2).jpg
3,892 × 2,825; 893 KB
Chinese Gunpowder Formula.JPG
1,194 × 864; 284 KB
Chinese heir.jpg
938 × 348; 45 KB
Chinese opium scales Wellcome L0005100.jpg
1,710 × 1,132; 402 KB
Chinese Pickles.png
865 × 1,153; 1.56 MB
Chinese silver jewelry box open.jpg
1,024 × 1,012; 486 KB
Chinese silver jewelry box.jpg
1,024 × 743; 388 KB
Chinese Soldier Cemetery1.jpg
3,968 × 2,976; 5.84 MB
Chinese Soldier Cemetery2.jpg
2,976 × 3,968; 6.24 MB
Chinese tartar emperor with his mandarin.jpg
897 × 1,260; 278 KB
Chinese writing 2014-04-25 18-57.jpg
2,048 × 1,536; 702 KB
305 × 433; 38 KB
COLLECTIE MUSEUM VOLKENKUNDE Chinese muur fragment RV nr RV-B76-167 02.tif
6,972 × 4,780; 95.38 MB
COLLECTIE MUSEUM VOLKENKUNDE Chinese muur fragment RV nr RV-B76-168 03.tif
6,636 × 4,816; 91.46 MB
COLLECTIE MUSEUM VOLKENKUNDE Chinese muur fragment RV nr RV-B76-169 01.tif
6,906 × 4,726; 93.41 MB
Control of China (1912 - present).jpg
654 × 367; 25 KB
The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (IA cu31924092511793).pdf
897 × 1,462, 666 pages; 23.03 MB
Da guo fan shi tang.JPG
1,500 × 1,125; 564 KB
Divisions of Chinese history.jpg
1,280 × 1,707; 219 KB
Dr. E. Hioki, Japanese Minister to China LCCN2014699269.jpg
4,172 × 5,779; 3.87 MB
Du Halde - Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l’Empire de la Chine, tome 1, 1735.djvu
4,267 × 7,240, 738 pages; 84.41 MB
Dynastic Cycle .gif
435 × 314; 23 KB
Eastern Hu.png
1,180 × 406; 57 KB
Emperor Gao of Southern Qi.jpg
600 × 719; 63 KB
Emperor Wu of Song.jpg
390 × 430; 19 KB
Empresa de China.svg
1,974 × 1,974; 2.34 MB
English School - Pekin the Tartar City - (MeisterDrucke-525287) (1).jpg
1,260 × 907; 397 KB
Farmers of forty centuries - Charcoal balls.jpg
1,477 × 375; 164 KB
Farmers of forty centuries - Eating lunch.jpg
1,223 × 1,193; 297 KB
A jezsuita misszió iskolájának kápolnája. Fortepan 100341.jpg
6,187 × 3,436; 9.13 MB
A jezsuita misszió iskolája. Fortepan 100343.jpg
5,845 × 3,436; 7.44 MB
A jezsuita misszió iskolája. Fortepan 100344.jpg
6,101 × 3,009; 6.78 MB
Fra den kinesiske mur til Japans hellige Bjerg.djvu
1,789 × 3,032, 508 pages; 13.02 MB
Gains and losses for the U.S., The PRC, and the USSR resulting from the Sino-Soviet split. (IA gainslossesforus00pico).pdf
1,208 × 1,604, 312 pages; 7.03 MB
1,794 × 1,248; 2.14 MB
Global famines history.jpg
2,969 × 1,683; 507 KB
912 × 682; 29 KB
682 × 912; 80 KB
Gu Hongzhong's Night Revels 1.jpg
2,405 × 396; 487 KB
398 × 340; 16 KB
391 × 600; 68 KB
Han dynasty scholars relief 讲学画 砖四川成都青杠坡出土 重庆市博物馆藏.jpg
998 × 822; 518 KB
Hexi Corridor.png
1,109 × 756; 1.91 MB
Historic Chinatown Alley.jpg
1,280 × 960; 400 KB
History of China.png
158 × 84; 37 KB
HKHM 沙田 Shatin 香港文化博物館 HK Heritage Museum September 2019 IX2 24.jpg
3,648 × 2,432; 4.4 MB
Hongmen Banquet Luoyang Museum.png
1,024 × 556; 1.59 MB
Hu Xiongnu.png
1,846 × 605; 90 KB
Huabiao denglong.jpg
603 × 792; 230 KB
IIHIM RIJKS 2107497970.jpg
1,903 × 2,500; 683 KB
Index to the postal working map (IA indextopostalwor00chin).pdf
1,277 × 1,635, 150 pages; 8.84 MB
852 × 274; 31 KB
Japanese emigrants repatriated from Port Huludao to Japan.JPG
459 × 496; 54 KB
Jinxianguan from han dynasty tomb Hebei wangdu county 进贤冠 河北望都汉墓壁画.jpg
402 × 573; 106 KB
700 × 1,526; 180 KB
480 × 449; 54 KB
575 × 719; 26 KB
776 × 539; 29 KB
Koshelev D.E. - Periodisation of the historical process based on the monomyph (2023).pdf
872 × 1,239, 14 pages; 1.74 MB
Liuhui geyuanshu.svg
570 × 570; 34 KB
Liuhui Pi Inequality.svg
570 × 570; 31 KB
Long march.jpg
640 × 336; 62 KB
Longevity mirror.jpg
3,096 × 2,376; 1.05 MB
328 × 435; 28 KB
Making Paper 1.PNG
357 × 510; 55 KB
Making Paper 2.PNG
356 × 503; 57 KB
Making Paper 3.PNG
349 × 507; 37 KB
Making Paper 5.PNG
354 × 510; 43 KB
970 × 2,075; 635 KB
Manner of carrying persons of rank in China LCCN2003671488.jpg
6,480 × 5,108; 5.54 MB
Medhurst's China.jpeg
561 × 1,022; 87 KB
Meng fa shi bei by Chu Suiliang.jpg
300 × 618; 50 KB
Mongol conquest of south China under Mongke and Qubilai.png
1,684 × 1,092; 3.11 MB
Mongol invasion of Dali (map).png
757 × 757; 1.16 MB
Newton lens formula.jpg
912 × 682; 23 KB
69 × 300; 9 KB
Omitting a stroke.png
800 × 800; 12 KB
Orde van de Phenix Republiek China.jpg
230 × 473; 19 KB
Pa Kua diagrama.png
125 × 117; 4 KB
Page from Tongjian jishi benmo.jpg
418 × 580; 65 KB
Plants in Southern China, an ancient Chinese book in Beijing Garden Museum.jpg
2,592 × 1,944; 852 KB
506 × 506; 29 KB
500 × 504; 28 KB
PRC cooperative stock 1950s.jpg
373 × 977; 442 KB
Pt-História da República da China (1912 - 1949) intro.ogg
3 min 11 s; 2.92 MB
Pt-História da República da China (1912 - 1949) Origens.ogg
3 min 31 s; 3.22 MB
Pt-História da República da China (1912-1949) A Revolução de Xinhai.ogg
7 min 31 s; 6.78 MB
Qingshuiji xieziwei.JPG
448 × 302; 22 KB
448 × 185; 54 KB
Rectangle city.JPG
912 × 682; 68 KB
Regular dodecagon.jpg
912 × 682; 30 KB
Rigault de Genouilly Canton Chinese bell at the MEP.jpg
819 × 1,076; 521 KB
500 × 256; 26 KB
Sangraha Andhra Vijnana Kosham Volume Three (page 813 crop).jpg
8,452 × 9,352; 16.6 MB
Saving note Farmers Bank of China Tongnan 01.jpg
1,130 × 718; 172 KB
Saving note Farmers Bank of China Tongnan 02.jpg
775 × 505; 155 KB
Saving note Farmers Bank of China Tongnan 03.jpg
780 × 510; 155 KB
Saving note Farmers Bank of China Tongnan 04.jpg
1,134 × 720; 176 KB
660 × 548; 150 KB
Settlement of Chefoo.svg
512 × 341; 1 KB
Shang skull with saw cuts.JPG
4,592 × 2,576; 4.47 MB
324 × 432; 102 KB
1,709 × 1,281; 485 KB
Square city.jpg
912 × 682; 20 KB
Stock notes china 1933.jpg
1,091 × 960; 1.28 MB
Subhuti diamond sutra detail retouched.jpeg
753 × 1,065; 694 KB