Category:Human heart - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Human heart"
The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total.
01 Circulation petite grande shunts.svg 494 × 671; 39 KB
01 Circulation petite grande.svg 452 × 696; 37 KB
01 Coeur Heart coupe contour.svg 439 × 331; 27 KB
01 Coeur Heart coupe couleurs.svg 506 × 349; 38 KB
01 Coeur Heart dans ballon pericarde.svg 680 × 499; 1,013 KB
01 Coeur Heart muscles papillaires fonctionnement papillary.svg 355 × 500; 49 KB
01 Coeur Heart muscles papillaires papillary.svg 324 × 293; 39 KB
01 Coeur Heart oreillette droite right atrium.svg 415 × 315; 32 KB
01 Coeur Heart oreillette gauche left atrium.svg 566 × 371; 35 KB
01 Coeur Heart valves.svg 568 × 353; 40 KB
01 Coeur Heart ventricule droit right.svg 499 × 319; 33 KB
01 Coeur Heart ventricule gauche left.svg 550 × 356; 31 KB
2019 Bogotá - Mural en la carrera 19 con calle 23 AA.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 6.57 MB
2032 Automatic 1,110 × 2,071; 413 KB
3D model of a human heart.stl 5,120 × 2,880; 1.08 MB
An academic physiology and hygiene (1903) (14780801402).jpg 1,580 × 1,564; 817 KB
Anatomical drawing, "De motus cordis", 1728 Wellcome L0004107.jpg 1,134 × 1,684; 969 KB
Anatomie des Herzens.webm 46 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 47.85 MB
Animated Heart.gif 800 × 800; 3.58 MB
Aorta koronar şuntlama.jpg 400 × 320; 69 KB
Aortenklappe 3D kurze Achse.JPG 767 × 660; 24 KB
Aortic and ventricular pressure over two cardiac cycles DE.svg 646 × 230; 53 KB
Aortic and ventricular pressure over two cardiac cycles.svg 646 × 230; 58 KB
Ardikume bihotza IMG 0170.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.5 MB
Blausen 0468 Heart-Lung Machine.png 800 × 600; 359 KB
Blodpumpe.png 1,600 × 1,200; 145 KB
Copy of Ap Bio 2.svg 512 × 369; 61 KB
CVDNittany2207.jpg 720 × 480; 118 KB
Cœur anatomique.jpg 1,469 × 1,190; 646 KB
Four chamber cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.gif 200 × 200; 171 KB
Heart and large Blood Vessels in An academic physiology and hygiene (1903).jpg 1,656 × 1,692; 522 KB
Heart chambers and valves schematic.svg 512 × 409; 4 KB
Heart showing pacemaker.png 1,016 × 949; 250 KB
Hjarte lungevener.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 4 MB
Human heart drawing.jpg 3,072 × 2,758; 1.23 MB
Human Heart drawing.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.25 MB
Human Heart Flow - healthy and pathological.jpg 789 × 442; 45 KB
Human heart.jpg 720 × 1,280; 56 KB
Image001n.jpg 449 × 321; 23 KB
Inima fig 1.jpg 1,791 × 2,177; 1.85 MB
Inima fig 2.jpg 1,807 × 1,427; 654 KB
Lungs and heart in infantile tuberculosis.jpg 885 × 822; 255 KB
Macro Cœur normal 55-o.apatho-1805a-coeur.jpg 825 × 1,065; 400 KB
Macro Cœur normal 55-o.apatho-1805p-coeur.jpg 831 × 1,142; 393 KB
Orifices of the Heart seen from above in An academic physiology and hygiene (1903).jpg 1,612 × 1,472; 414 KB
Purpuric ecchymoses on the surface of the heart Wellcome L0061489.jpg 4,444 × 5,156; 3.26 MB
Real Human Heart Turntable.gif 800 × 800; 12.07 MB
RPost op view mitral valve repair Dr Sáez de Ibarra.jpg 322 × 242; 10 KB
Surface anatomy of the heart.svg 431 × 615; 914 KB
Techagappe.jpg 605 × 782; 72 KB
The common frog (Page 129, Fig. 76) BHL7743538.jpg 2,099 × 3,308; 608 KB
Tricuspid regurgitation.jpg 426 × 471; 21 KB
Vagusstoff1.png 453 × 213; 18 KB
Vagusstoff2.png 570 × 244; 20 KB
Valvula aortica.jpg 349 × 342; 34 KB
Vet patology museum 2.JPG 4,928 × 3,264; 3.66 MB
Weight of heart versus body.jpg 2,207 × 1,029; 166 KB
Weight of heart versus body.svg 1,103 × 514; 24 KB
Адаман дог.svg 748 × 614; 217 KB