Category:Palm branches in heraldry - Wikimedia Commons
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 472 total.
100th Air Refueling Wing.png
1,824 × 1,804; 322 KB
108th Air Refueling Wing.png
962 × 934; 168 KB
24th Special Operations Wing insignia.jpg
1,883 × 1,940; 1,019 KB
25 Signal Battalion COA.gif
1,733 × 2,700; 374 KB
327 air division-emblem.jpg
2,065 × 2,036; 703 KB
341 Security Police Gp emblem.png
472 × 489; 254 KB
377 Combat Support Gp emblem.png
376 × 382; 157 KB
300 × 311; 35 KB
456 Combat Support Gp emblem.png
325 × 343; 141 KB
456th Bombardment Wing.PNG
900 × 868; 320 KB
48 Medical Gp emblem (old).png
788 × 821; 1.08 MB
499th Air Refueling Wing Bomb Group (emblem).gif
330 × 331; 55 KB
803 Combat Support Gp emblem.png
512 × 543; 371 KB
865 Medical Gp emblem.png
745 × 820; 1.07 MB
Coat of arms of Nicolas Cheong Jin-suk.svg
1,147 × 1,209; 526 KB
Coat of arms of Lluis Martinez i Sistach.svg
1,148 × 1,218; 499 KB
Coat of arms of Piero Coccia.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 377 KB
Coat of arms of Beniamino Depalma.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 370 KB
Coat of arms of Alessandro D'Errico.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 375 KB
Escudo de Ábalos (La Rioja).svg
512 × 894; 69 KB
Coat of arms of Gianfranco De Luca.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 263 KB
Coat of arms of Jean Marie Prida Inthirath.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 278 KB
Coat of arms of Plácido Rodriguez.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 215 KB
Escudo de Adrada de Haza (Burgos).svg
550 × 960; 336 KB
Coat of Arms of Águilas.svg
331 × 607; 779 KB
Escudo de Águilas (Murcia).svg
512 × 894; 109 KB
Escudo de Águilas.svg
550 × 963; 378 KB
Escut d'Albons.svg
605 × 975; 266 KB
Coat of Arms of Algeciras.svg
743 × 1,038; 763 KB
Escudo de Algeciras (Cádiz).svg
810 × 1,100; 321 KB
Escudo de Algeciras.svg
710 × 902; 136 KB
Escut d'Alpicat.svg
605 × 842; 271 KB
DEU Alt-Meeder COA.svg
432 × 482; 11 KB
Blason ville fr Andilly (Val-d'Oise).svg
600 × 660; 27 KB
Angels relief bell-tower Saint Germain l'Auxerrois.jpg
1,450 × 1,525; 1.08 MB
Blason Ranuce Anguissola (1752-1823).svg
600 × 660; 862 KB
Apfeltrach wappen.png
245 × 264; 22 KB
DEU Apfeltrach COA.svg
711 × 771; 73 KB
Escut d'Argentona THV-ES.svg
605 × 975; 190 KB
Escut d'Argentona.svg
602 × 841; 171 KB
Flag of Argentona.svg
1,350 × 900; 25 KB
Arms of Badin.svg
410 × 478; 49 KB
Arms of Curtis of Gatcombe.svg
450 × 541; 228 KB
Arms of Saint-Etienne.svg
260 × 309; 1.02 MB
Arne Palmqvist biskopsvapen, Härnösand.svg
399 × 601; 35 KB
Arne Palmqvist biskopsvapen, Västerås.svg
399 × 601; 44 KB
Arne Palmqvist vapen.svg
251 × 304; 7 KB
Blason ville fr asfeld (ardennes).svg
600 × 660; 269 KB
Blason athienville 54.svg
600 × 660; 17 KB
210 × 252; 16 KB
AUT Wartberg an der Krems COA.jpg
100 × 124; 14 KB
Bahawalpur CoA.png
556 × 462; 136 KB
Blason famille fr Baillard de Combaux.svg
600 × 660; 29 KB
Coat of arms of Lorenzo Baldisseri.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 516 KB
600 × 660; 25 KB
Blason Famille Barbara de La Belloterie.svg
600 × 660; 11 KB
Escudo de Barcial del Barco.svg
550 × 958; 258 KB
Blason François Barthélemy (1747-1830).svg
600 × 660; 749 KB
Escut de Belianes THV-ES.svg
605 × 975; 242 KB
Escut de Belianes.svg
602 × 841; 231 KB
Coat of Arms of Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello.svg
1,421 × 1,215; 625 KB
Coat of arms of Giuseppe Bertello.svg
1,148 × 1,218; 490 KB
Shield of Mgr Giuseppe Bertello.svg
471 × 565; 32 KB
Coat of arms of Vincenzo Bertolone.svg
1,147 × 1,212; 401 KB
Stemma px400 (cropped).jpg
392 × 515; 67 KB
Stemma px400.jpg
450 × 636; 62 KB
Blason ville fr Beynost (Ain).svg
600 × 660; 194 KB
Birgu coa.svg
600 × 930; 154 KB
Bjäre vapen.svg
251 × 304; 29 KB
Blason André Masséna (1758-1817) prince d'Essling.png
800 × 880; 297 KB
Blason de la famille de Jouvencel.svg
410 × 476; 280 KB
Blason de la famille de Monicault.svg
410 × 478; 356 KB
Blason de mougins.png
101 × 120; 13 KB
Blason de René Descartes.png
662 × 831; 152 KB
Blason famille be de Favereau.svg
600 × 660; 24 KB
Blason famille fr Cœurderoy (Bourgogne).svg
600 × 660; 9 KB
Blason famille fr de Jouvencel.svg
600 × 660; 55 KB
Blason famille fr Descartes.svg
600 × 660; 49 KB
Blason famille fr Jean-François Champagne (Chevalier).svg
600 × 660; 65 KB
Blason Famille Gautier.svg
600 × 660; 182 KB
Blason Saulxures sur Moselotte.svg
600 × 660; 55 KB
Blason vill fr Eus 66.svg
600 × 660; 68 KB
Blason ville fr Argiusta-Moriccio (Corse-du-Sud).svg
600 × 660; 29 KB
Blason ville fr Arhansus (Pyrénées-Atlantiques).svg
600 × 660; 24 KB
Blason ville fr Bussières-et-Pruns (Puy-de-Dôme).svg
600 × 660; 267 KB
Blason ville fr Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes).svg
600 × 660; 104 KB
Blason ville fr Cézac (Gironde).svg
600 × 660; 115 KB
Blason ville fr Guignecourt 60.svg
600 × 660; 54 KB
Blason ville fr Gémigny (Loiret).svg
600 × 660; 15 KB
Blason ville fr Issoudun-Létrieix (Creuse).svg
600 × 660; 21 KB
Blason ville fr Les Eparges (Meuse).svg
600 × 660; 29 KB
Blason ville fr Raucourt (Meurthe-et-Moselle).svg
600 × 660; 14 KB
Blason ville fr Romagne-sous-Montfaucon 55.svg
600 × 660; 116 KB
Blason ville fr Saint-Étienne (Loire).svg
600 × 660; 92 KB
Blason ville fr Salses-le-Château (Pyrénées-Orientales).svg
600 × 660; 61 KB
Blason ville fr Vulmont 57.svg
600 × 660; 23 KB
1,478 × 1,434; 357 KB
Escudo de Boal.svg
550 × 960; 674 KB
Blason famille fr Boisseson.svg
600 × 660; 24 KB
Boldur and Costachi coat of arms.svg
690 × 946; 90 KB
Bonate Sopra-Stemma.svg
419 × 502; 272 KB
Boretti POL COA.svg
730 × 975; 221 KB
Blason ville fr Brantes (Vaucluse).svg
600 × 660; 27 KB
Brasão de Barra do Corda - MA.svg
500 × 600; 59 KB
Brasão de Ourinhos - SP.svg
760 × 960; 430 KB
DEU Brombach (Eberbach) COA.svg
762 × 802; 64 KB
Wappen Brombach.png
226 × 233; 54 KB
Blason Alexandre-François Bruneteau de Sainte-Suzanne (1769-1853).svg
600 × 660; 327 KB
Blason de la ville de Bure-les-Templiers (21).svg
600 × 660; 179 KB
Arms of Cádiz Province.svg
475 × 609; 3.58 MB
Escudo de la provincia de Cádiz.svg
925 × 1,050; 2.14 MB
Escudo de Cajamarca.svg
945 × 1,080; 375 KB
Escudo de Casillas de Coria.svg
550 × 969; 230 KB
Escut de Castellbell i el Vilar.svg
598 × 831; 234 KB
Escudo de Castigaleu.svg
710 × 903; 304 KB
Escudo de Castrobol (Valladolid).svg
512 × 894; 58 KB
Escudo de Castropol.svg
550 × 961; 550 KB
Blason famille fr Ceccaldi (Corse).svg
600 × 660; 21 KB
390 × 500; 1.32 MB
Escudo de El Cerro (Salamanca).svg
512 × 894; 64 KB
390 × 500; 2.3 MB
Blason ville fr Chambon-sur-Lignon (HauteLoire).svg
600 × 660; 54 KB
Blason ville fr La-Chapelle-Saint-Géraud (Corrèze).svg
600 × 660; 106 KB
Blason ville fr Charleville (Ardennes).svg
600 × 660; 217 KB
Blason Châteauneuf Val Saint Donat.svg
600 × 660; 92 KB
Blason ville fr Clergoux (Corrèze).svg
600 × 660; 170 KB
COA 1st Marquess of Comillas.svg
833 × 1,265; 5.95 MB
COA 2nd Marquess of Comillas.svg
1,650 × 1,889; 3.64 MB
Coa fam ITA piagentini.jpg
840 × 1,080; 636 KB
COA family it Palma di Castiglione (ramo di Sicilia).svg
367 × 518; 228 KB
Coa Hungary Town Aparhant.svg
260 × 300; 482 KB
Coa hungary Town Völcsej.svg
260 × 300; 58 KB
COA Marquess of Comillas.svg
710 × 937; 1.34 MB
CoA St Emmeram's Abbey, Regensburg.svg
600 × 660; 10 KB
Coat of Arms fictional for Martyrs.svg
610 × 670; 27 KB
Coat of arms Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan.svg
1,321 × 1,047; 1.03 MB
Coat of arms of Adriano Cevolotto.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 66 KB
Coat of Arms of Alcalá de Henares Diocese.svg
514 × 587; 1.15 MB
Coat of arms of Alexandre Coutinho Lopes de Brito Palma.svg
1,142 × 1,214; 1.24 MB
Coat of arms of Antonio María Claret.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 542 KB
Coat of Arms of Bardenas Reales.svg
1,128 × 1,255; 778 KB
Coat of Arms of Bishop Dominic Mai Thanh Lương.svg
1,390 × 1,282; 1.57 MB
Coat of Arms of Cardinal Bishop Zacchia.svg
561 × 492; 273 KB
Coat of Arms of Cardinal Giuseppe Antonio Zacchia Rondinini.svg
561 × 492; 237 KB
Coat of arms of Carlo Mazza.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 395 KB
Coat of arms of Coat of arms of Sylvain Bataille.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 50 KB
Coat of Arms of Cádiz Province.svg
508 × 611; 3.98 MB
Coat of Arms of Falkirk District Council 1975-1996.svg
485 × 684; 280 KB
Coat of Arms of Falkirk.svg
432 × 679; 278 KB
Coat of arms of Florian-Jean-Baptiste Demange.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 90 KB
Coat of arms of Francesco Lomanto.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 135 KB
Coat of arms of Francisco Simón Conesa Ferrer.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 76 KB
Coat of arms of Galmudug.svg
1,160 × 1,000; 227 KB
Coat of arms of Gerald Michael Barbarito.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 219 KB
Coat of arms of Giacomo Giuseppe Beltritti.svg
1,102 × 1,153; 492 KB
Coat of arms of Giovanni Nerbini.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 88 KB
Coat of arms of Giuseppe Alberti.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 93 KB
Coat of arms of Giuseppe Mengoli.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 51 KB
Coat of arms of Giuseppe Piemontese.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 112 KB
Coat of arms of Giuseppe Salvatore Baturi.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 81 KB
Coat of arms of Gregorio Rosa Chávez.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 687 KB
Coat of arms of Hermengild Li Yi.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 332 KB
Coat of Arms of Infanta Isabel Fernanda of Spain.svg
1,432 × 1,322; 7.12 MB
Coat of Arms of Infanta Maria Cristina of Spain (1833–1902).svg
1,432 × 1,322; 6.6 MB
Coat of arms of Janusz Stanisław Urbańczyk.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 64 KB
Coat of arms of Jean Marcel Honoré.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 289 KB
Coat of arms of Juan Carlos Ares.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 139 KB
Coat of Arms of Lamač.svg
500 × 580; 13 KB
Coat of Arms of Los Barrios.svg
487 × 607; 1.62 MB
Coat of arms of Marco Salvi.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 76 KB
Coat of arms of Marek Mendyk - (Świdnica).svg
1,150 × 1,227; 56 KB
Coat of arms of Mario Farci.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 71 KB
Coat of arms of Mark Benedict Coleridge.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 186 KB
Coat of arms of Michael Fu Tie Shan.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 179 KB
Coat of arms of Michael Louis Fitzgerald (cardinal).svg
1,150 × 1,226; 60 KB
Coat of arms of Michael Louis Fitzgerald OBE.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 320 KB
Coat of arms of Norbert Turini.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 138 KB
Coat of Arms of Osona.svg
440 × 616; 276 KB
Coat of arms of Ovidio Vezzoli 1.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 174 KB
Coat of arms of Paraguay.svg
610 × 610; 25 KB
Coat of arms of Paul Swarbrick.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 259 KB
Coat of arms of Pedro Daniel Martinez Perea.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 151 KB
Coat of arms of Perego.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 146 KB
Coat of arms of Peter Feng Xin Mao.svg
1,150 × 1,316; 506 KB
Coat of Arms of Princess Luisa Carlotta of Naples and Sicily, Infanta of Spain.svg
1,433 × 1,311; 8.13 MB
Coat of arms of Rayarala Vijay Kumar.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 51 KB
Coat of arms of Rosolino Bianchetti Boffelli.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 181 KB
Coat of arms of Sandro Salvucci (Urbino).svg
1,150 × 1,227; 69 KB
Coat of arms of Sandro Salvucci.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 65 KB
Coat of arms of Santiago Gómez Sierra.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 178 KB
Coat of Arms of Santillana del Mar.svg
791 × 1,052; 963 KB
Coat of arms of Somalia.svg
1,240 × 1,000; 375 KB
Coat of arms of Stefan Oster.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 419 KB
Coat of arms of Stefano Rega.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 87 KB
Coat of arms of Stephan Ackermann.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 358 KB
Coat of arms of Stephen Jay Berg.svg
1,150 × 1,226; 179 KB
Coat of arms of Strahil Veselinov Kavalenov.svg
1,150 × 1,227; 64 KB
Coat of Arms of the 2nd-11 Light Armored Cavalry Group Numancia.svg
849 × 954; 528 KB
Coat of arms of the Duchy of Milan (Sforza period).svg
1,187 × 1,075; 999 KB