Dolphin - Wikimedia Commons

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Kreyòl ayisyen  : Dofen
























Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Delfin













  • English: A dolphin is an aquatic mammal.

  • Français : Un dauphin est un mammifère aquatique.

  • Hrvatski: Dupin je morski sisavac

  • Italiano: Un delfino è un mammifero acquatico.

  • Español: Un delfín es un mamífero acuático.

  • Nederlands: Een dolfijn is een zeezoogdier.

  • Русский: Дельфин это морское млекопитающееся.

  • Português: Um golfinho é um mamífero aquático.

  • Українська: Дельфін це морський ссавець


marine mammals, closely related to whales and porpoises

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Wikidata Q7369
GND ID: 4011392-9
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85038890
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11946037g
NDL Authority ID: 00564230
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 19139
NL CR AUT ID: ph820619
J9U ID: 987007560207805171

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  • A dolphin school

    A dolphin school

  • Dolphin's fin

    Dolphin's fin

  • Military trained dolphin

    Military trained dolphin

  • Dolphin while breathing, Husavík, Iceland

    Dolphin while breathing, Husavík, Iceland

  • Two dolphins: a mother and its baby.

    Two dolphins: a mother and its baby.

  • Rare pink dolphin

    Rare pink dolphin

  • High-jump during Pacific White-sided Dolphin show at the Vancouver Aquarium

    High-jump during Pacific White-sided Dolphin show at the Vancouver Aquarium

  • Baby Wholphin, an inaptly named hybrid dolphin

    Baby Wholphin, an inaptly named hybrid dolphin

  • A dolphin named K-Dog used by the U.S. Navy for hunting mines

    A dolphin named K-Dog used by the U.S. Navy for hunting mines

  • Common Dolphin

    Common Dolphin