File:Bell telephone magazine (1922) (14756466975).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

  • ️Sun Jan 01 1922

Identifier: belltelephonemag09amerrich (find matches)
Title: Bell telephone magazine
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: American Telephone and Telegraph Company American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Information Dept
Subjects: Telephone
Publisher: (New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., etc.)
Contributing Library: Prelinger Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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erica were heard by a distinguishedassembly at Washington, including diplomatic representativesof the Republics involved and officials of the American Tele-phone and Telegraph Company and of the International Tele-phone and Telegraph Corporation. The ceremonies werebroadcast over a coast-to-coast radio network and were alsosent out by short wave transmission for the benefit of radiolisteners in foreign countries. This new service interconnects twenty million telephones inthe United States, as well as all telephones in Cuba, and all theprincipal points in Mexico and Canada, with the telephones inthe Argentine Republic and with the cities of Santiago in Chileand Montevideo in Uruguay. The link between the two continents is a short wave radiotelephone circuit 5300 miles in length connecting the overseasradio stations of the American Telephone and Telegraph Com-pany in the United States with the International Telephoneand Telegraph Corporations stations in the vicinity of BuenosAires. 160
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Booth Used in Demonstration of Two-way Television.(See Notes on Recent Occurrences.) Bell TelephoneQuarterly A Medium of Suggestionand a Record of Progress CONTENTS FOR JULY 1930 PAGEChange from Manual to Dial Operation—K. W. Waterson 163 World-Wide Telephony—£/^//zM/7/er 169 Trade Mark Service in Classified Telephone Directories Contributes to Modern Merchandising—H. W. MacNair 198 The First Telephone Switchboard and Its Method of Operation—G. K. Thompson and R. B. Hill 205 Worlds Telephone Statistics,January 1, 1929—C.J. Koukol 212 Notes on Recent Occurrences 224 VOL. IX NO. 3 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FOR THE BELL SYSTEM BY THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR, IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA; SINGLE COPIES, 50 CENTS Address all communications to INFORMATION DEPARTMENTAMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 195 Broadway, New York CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE KARL W. WATERSON Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1898; joinedengineering s

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