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English: Periclase, variety Ferropericlase
- Locality: San Vito quarry, San Vito, Ercolano, Monte Somma, Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Naples Province, Campania, Italy
- Size: 8.2 cm x 6.4 cm x 2.4 cm
- Periclase is a rare Mg-oxide and the famed Monte Somma is the Type Locality. Ferropericlase is the Fe-rich varietal. Tiny, lustrous and translucent, grayish-green crystals are festooned on all sides of the matrix on this very rich example from this ancient pumice mine. Ex. Luigi Chiappino and Matioli Collections. Seldom available
Deutsch: Periklas, Varietät Ferroperiklas
- Fundort: Steinbruch San Vito, San Vito, Ercolano, Monte Somma, Somma-Vesuvius-Komplex, Provinz Neapel, Kampanien, Italien
- Größe: 8,2 cm x 6,4 cm x 2,4 cm